




Job number: 126891

·Responsible for the safety and security of guests, employees and establishment needs
·Implement procedures for security and emergency incidents
·In the event of fire, be thoroughly familiar with and guided by the hotel’s emergency plan
·Be familiar with location of fire alarms and fire fighting equipment
·Maintain a good knowledge of the liquor act and criminal code
·Maintain a regular presence in public area or your assigned post
·Prevent gambling on hotel premises   
·Prevent Sabotage of hotel premises
·Patrol all areas including employee locker rooms, kitchens, food and beverage storage areas, car parking and remote areas
·Assist and maintain crowd control as required
·Ensure all outlets, fridges, cupboards etc are fully secured when not in use or unattended
·Act on reports delivered by the Security Manager regarding any unusual incidents identified by closed circuit television
·Ensure no undesirables loiter in or around the hotel premises
·Ensure there is no obstruction to the loading dock and that unauthorized vehicles are removed
·Coordinate functions with other security staff or Police and other government Securities and promote good will with them  
·Implement the hotel policies and procedures and advise Superiors and Human Resources of action taken
·Report directly and explain with details if any problem arising or malfunctioning property or equipment to superior or log book 
·Be correct, secure and courteous in handling any disciplinary or criminal case 
·Establish and maintain the effective employee relations
·Be alert for any unusual packages, guests or vehicles and advise superior of same
·Be thoroughly familiar of the property layout, design, entry and exit points
·Engage in staff bag checks and locker checks as directed by Human Resources
·Coordinate functions with other security staff or Police and other government Securities and promote good will with them  
·Implement the hotel policies and procedures and advise Superiors and Human Resources of action taken
·Report directly and explain with details if any problem arising or malfunctioning property or equipment to superior or log book 
·Be correct, secure and courteous in handling any disciplinary or criminal case 
·Establish and maintain the effective employee relations
·Be alert for any unusual packages, guests or vehicles and advise superior of same
·Be thoroughly familiar of the property layout, design, entry and exit points
·Engage in staff bag checks and locker checks as directed by Human Resources

在洲際酒店集團,我們做出了承諾。 作為世界領先的酒店集團之一,我們致力於提供真正的善待之道。 讓我們的客人和同事無論身在何處都感到受歡迎、受到關心、認可和尊重。 想成為旅程的一部分嗎?

加入皇冠假日酒店,世界上最大、最受歡迎的高級酒店品牌之一。 皇冠假日酒店在全球各地擁有 420 多家酒店,是商務、休閒或兩者兼而有之的完美基地。 我們精心設計了我們的空間,以鼓勵、支持和慶祝良好的聯繫。 我們也熱衷於會議和活動,是連結國內和全球團體的值得信賴和有價值的合作夥伴。 

我們的品牌服務風格「敢於連結」是專為連結而設計。 專為人類設計,而不是無名的客人或同事。 仍然很專業,但在情感層面上觸動了客人。 同事們發揮主動性並發揮自己的個性,因為他們對客人的體驗產生了至關重要的影響。 皇冠假日酒店每位同事的職責是建立難忘的情感聯繫,每位領導者的工作就是創造一個可以實現這種聯繫的環境。

不太滿足每一項要求,但仍然相信您非常適合這份工作? 除非您點擊“應用”按鈕,否則我們永遠不會知道。 今天就和我們一起開始您的旅程。
