

2482 x804 間酒店客房清潔服務
2482 x804 間酒店客房清潔服務

飯店品牌: voco


職位編號: 126393

· Monitors Housekeeping personnel to ensure guests receive prompt and courteous service

· 监督客房部工作人员,确保客人得到及时和礼貌的服务。

· Monitor Housekeeping personnel to ensure rooms, and particularly those of IHG Rewards Club members, known repeat guests and other VIP’s receive special attention

· 监督客房部工作人员,确保客房,特别是会员、熟客和其它贵宾的客房得到特别重视。

· Informs other operating departments of Housekeeping matters, which concern notably the Front Office, to ensure accurate room status, in addition to communicating with Engineering and the Laundry

· 除与工程部和洗衣房进行沟通外,还要向其它业务部门,特别是确保前厅部了解准确的客房状况。

· Schedules routine inspections by supervisors, of all housekeeping areas including occupied and non-occupied rooms Inspects guest rooms in all Housekeeping areas on a regular basis to ensure furnishing, facilities and equipment are clean and in good repair, well maintained and replaced / refurbished as required

· 定期对所有客房区域进行视察,以确保家具、设施和设备按要求得到良好的清洁、修缮、保养和更换和整修。

· Appraise appearance, discipline and efficiency of all staff under direct supervision and initiate immediate remedial action if necessary

· 对所有直属下级的仪容仪表、守纪情况和工作效率进行评估。如有必要,可直接采取纠正措施。

· Follows up on progress of agenda items covered in regular meetings

· 跟进日常所提及的其他需要跟进的客房部的日常事务。

· Works with the Executive Housekeeper on routine cleaning programs including spring cleans, etc

· 与行政管家一起管理例行清扫活动,包括春季大清扫等。

在洲際酒店集團,我們做出了承諾。 作為世界領先的酒店集團之一,我們致力於提供真正的善待之道。 讓我們的客人和同事無論身在何處都感到受歡迎、受到關心、認可和尊重。 想成為旅程的一部分嗎?

voco 品牌在您值得信賴的酒店中得以體現,但又足夠與眾不同且充滿樂趣。 不那麼擁擠的飯店,讓人感覺很舒服,可以放鬆,然後繼續放鬆。 酒店以永續發展為基礎,我們像照顧客人和同事一樣關心地球。

不太滿足每一項要求,但仍然相信您非常適合這份工作? 除非您點擊“應用”按鈕,否則我們永遠不會知道。 今天就和我們一起開始您的旅程。
