

金普頓 -2
金普頓 -2


飯店:維維多拉飯店 (BCNKI),Carrer del Duc 15, 08002

Job number: 133706

What’s the internship?

As kitchen intern you’ll be preparing all the dishes according to our menu and services as well as thinking of new ways to improve our service.


You’ll be supervised by the Chef and the kitchen team.


Your day-to-day

  • Preparation of the daily service and the mise-en-place.
  • Cleaning and maintenance of your work area and the kitchenware.
  • Appropriate use of work machines and individual protection equipment.
  • Correct storage of the prepared products in the appropriate chamber and identification of the preparation date.
  • Annotating the necessary products for the next service.
  • Proper order, cleaning and maintenance of your work area.
  • Compliance of the environmental policy.


What we need from you

  • Currently studying a bachelor’s degree in hospitality or related field.
  • Previous hotel knowledge and experience in operational departments will be valuable.
  • Proactive, positive, energetic, dynamic, emphatic, team-worker and with passion for the culinary area.


What to expect from us

  • 400€ gross monthly.
  • Training programmes and access to IHG’s training tool.
  • Meals included on shift.
  • Uniform and laundry service for the uniform.
  • Cool environment and lots of fun! ??


不太滿足每一項要求,但仍然相信您非常適合這份工作? 除非您點擊“應用”按鈕,否則我們永遠不會知道。 今天就和我們一起開始您的旅程。
