食品卫生经理 Hygiene-Manager
Marke des Hotels: HUALUXE
Ort: China, Peking, Haikou
Hotel: Haikou Seaview (HAKUL), Nr. 21 Bihai Road, Meilan District, 570208
Job number: 135381
- Assist the Executive chef in the day-to-day operation of the Food safety and to help maintain a high Standard of food preparation and presentation.
- 协助行政总厨管理酒店相关部门的食品安全,保证食品的高质量 。
- Support the Executive chef in the overall smooth operation of the kitchen ensuring prompt service at all times.
- 在运作方面协助并配合行政总厨做好食品安全卫生监控,保证提供安全的食品。
- Manage and participate in food safety inspection work
- 管理并参与食品安全的检查工作 。
- Abide by both the hotel and INTERCONTINENTAL policies and procedures
- 遵守酒店和洲际的规章制度 。
- Abide by both the hotel and Sheraton policies and procedures
- 负责 工作区域和存储区域的卫生、防疫、整洁。
- Ensures that the standards of uniform grooming and personal hygiene are maintained d Storage areas
- 保持仪容仪表和个人卫生。
- Be familiar with property safety, current first aid and fire emergency procedures
- 熟悉对财产安全、紧急救护和火警等处理程序。
- Establish relevant system to ensure that the food safety and hygiene work finished accurate and efficient
- 制定相关制度,保证食品安全卫生工作准确高效完成。
- Preside the HACCP Meeting
- 主持食品安全会议。
- Supervise Hygienic standards for food safety departments the implementation.
- 监督各部门食品安全卫生标准的执行情况。
- Supervise the hygiene of the kitchen
- 监督各厨房的卫生状况。
- Supervise and check the fill out of HACCP forms.
- 监督并查收相关表格的填写。
- Participates in the training of associates.
- 参与员工的培训。
- Takes part in all scheduled training at his/her level
- 参加所有相应级别的培训。
- Instruct staff, provide one on one instruction to staff members as and when required
- 在需要时对员工进行面对面的个别指导。
- Interact with department and hotel associates in a professional and positive manner to foster good rapport, promote team spirit and ensure effective two-way communication.
- 以职业的、肯定的方式与部门和酒店员工交往,以培养和谐的关系,处境团队精神和确保有效的双向沟通。
- Maintain and implement and supervise effective interpersonal relationships and skill
- 维持和实施有效的人际交流技巧。
- Duties as assents by Executive chef
- 执行行政总厨安排的任务。
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