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中餐服务主管 F&B Service Supervisor


Marca dell'hotel: InterContinental
località: Cina, Pechino, Pechino

Albergo: Beijing Sanlitun (PEGHE), No. 1 South Sanlitun Road, distretto di Chaoyang, 100027

Job number: 140900

In the absence of a Manager, conducts shift briefings to ensure hotel activities and operational requirements are known

·         在经理缺席时主持交接班说明会,确保员工了解酒店的活动和运营的要求。

·         Endeavour to resolve all complaints during shift and logs all complaints in log book for further follow up

·         在自己当班期间尽可能解决所有的投诉,并在工作日志中记录所有投诉以便进一步跟进的工作。

·         Supervise cash handling and banking procedures

·         监督现金的处理和存放程序。

·         Prepare daily banking and cash flow reports

·         编制每日存款和流动资金报告。

·         Establish and instruct staff in cash security procedures

·         制定并指导员工执行现金安全制度。

·         Deal with irregular payments

·         处理异常的付款情况。

·         Supervise the maintenance of service equipment

·         监督服务设备的维护保养。

·         Monitor standards of guest facilities and services

·         监督客用设施和服务的标准。

·         Control stock and monitor security procedures

·         控制存货和监督保安成序。

·         Assist with menu and wine list creation

·         协助菜单和酒水单的设计工作。

·         Supervise functions

·         监督各项职能。

·         Supervise outlet service

·         监督餐厅的服务。

·         Works with Superior on manpower planning and management needs

·         和上级领导一起进行人力规划和管理需求。

·         Works with Superior in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget

·         和上级领导一起编制和管理部门预算。

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