宾客关系主管 Guest Relation Supervisor

Marca dell'hotel: Holiday Inn
Ubicazione: Cina, Shaanxi, Xi'an
Hotel: Xi'an High-tech Central (SIAGL), No.5 Jinye Road, High-Tech Industries Development Zone, 710065
Numero di lavoro: 117212
- Responsible for the operational efficiency of all front office areas during shift and the service delivery of those areas. Provide timely and professional check-in/check-out services in accordance with established scripting and standards.
- 负责管理所有前厅单位的运营效率和服务工作。根据设定的说明和标准提供及时和专业的入住和退房服务。
At Holiday Inn we want our guests to relax and be themselves which means we need you to:
· Be you by being natural, professional and personable in the way you are with people
· Get ready by taking notice and using your knowledge so that you are prepared for anything
· Show you care by being thoughtful in the way you welcome and connect with guests
· Take action by showing initiative, taking ownership and going the extra mile
· 展现真我:在与他人接触时真实自然、形象专业、积极乐观
· 时刻准备:注意观察周围的事物,运用自己的知识,做好应对任何事情的准备
· 体现关爱:对宾客关切周到、热诚欢迎并与他们心意相通
· 积极行动:积极主动、尽职尽责并且要多做一步
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