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宾客服务主管/领班 Supervisore/Capitano dei servizi per gli ospiti

2482x804-hotelper ufficio
2482x804-hotelper ufficio

Marca dell'hotel: InterContinental
località: Cina, Pechino, Xi'an

Albergo: Xi'an Nord (SIACP), No.120 Fengcheng 8th Road, distretto di Jingkai, 710021

Numero di lavoro: 107998

  • Review arrival information on a daily basis; VIP, Loyalty member, Regular guest, Groups, special requests, etc. Follow up with Housekeeping and Room Service

  • 查看当天抵店客人信息,包括贵宾,会员计划, 常客,团队预订及其它相关的特殊要求。及时将相关信息通知客房部和客房送餐部

  • Responsible for correct registration procedure; registration card, room allocation, credit policy, etc.

  • 负责正确 的登记程序、填写登记卡、房间分配、信用方针等

  • Maintain good working relations with all departments, especially Housekeeping and Reservations. Checks discrepancies and out of order rooms, to ensure correct room status at all times

  • 与所有部门保持良好的协作关系,特别是客房部与预订部。检查房态差异报告以及维修房状态,随时确保正确的房间状态信息

  • Responsible for correct handling of cash and cheques, credit cards, foreign currencies, vouchers and invoices

  • 负责正确处理现金和支票、信用卡、外币兑换业务、付款凭证以及发票

  • Responsible for prepare activities for group arrival, correct definition of group masters to ensure correct charges

  • 负责团队抵店前的准备工作,确认团队总房价以确保正确收款

  • Responsible for correct check-out procedure following hotel’s policies and procedures

  • 负责遵守酒店政策与服务程序,正确完成客人离店手续

  • Responsible for reservations, changes and cancellations when Reservation Office is closed

  • 负责预订部下班后的预订、预订变更及取消预订服务

  • Report to management on deficiencies and irregularities noted in the operation

  • 向上级报告酒店在营业中存在的不足与失误

  • Maintain a thorough knowledge of the room rates, discounts, packages, hotel facilities, special events, etc. and ensures GSA’s knowledge of the same

  • 熟悉房 价、折扣、包价、酒店设施和特殊活动等相关知识,同时确保接待员正确掌握

  • Responsible for correct selling status in the Reception at all times, by close liaison with Reservations

  • 与预订部保持紧密联系,确保前台始终处于正确销售状态

  • Ensure that guest complaints are properly logged and acted upon by trying to avoid any guest leaving the hotel dissatisfied. Solicits assistance from Guest Service Manager or Loyalty Manager if needed

  • 确保迅速、正确记录与解决客人投诉,尽量避免客人带着不满意离开酒店。必要时征求宾客服务经理或忠实客户经理帮助

  • Assist in preparing staff schedules, ensuring adequate staffing to meet business demands

  • 协助准备员工排班表以确保有足够员工满足运作需要

  • Assist in preparing payroll information on the due dates, to ensure correct payments

  • 协住在指定日期准备工资信息报告以确保正确支付员工工资

  • Maintain good knowledge of all corporate programs, ensure GSA’s knowledge of these programs

  • 熟练掌握酒店所有合作促销计划,同时确保接待员熟悉掌握

  • Maintain good knowledge of the loyalty program, ensuring correct handling, prepares reports and actively participates in enrolling new members

  • 熟悉会员计划,确保正确处理、准备报表以及积极参与发展新会员

  • Assist in resolving accounting matters; disputes, missing back-ups etc

  • 协助解决财务问题,包括有争议的帐目及丢失的信息备份等

  • Ensure that all guest comments are logged and forwarded to the Assistant Front Office Manager

  • 确保记录所有客人意见,并向前厅部副经理经理汇报

  • Assist in departmental training and assessments

  • 协助部门培训与评估

  • Cooperation and teamwork for all sections and other department to ensure proper guest service delivery.

  • 与所有其它区域和部门协手合作,确保向客人提供正确的服务

  • Deliver high quality service to guests

  • 向客人提供高质量的服务

  • Identify VIP, loyalty member, regular and long staying guest, develop rapport to offer personalized service and assistance

  • 识别贵宾,会员、常客以及长住客人。发展与之良好关系 以提供个性化和超值服务

  • Take appropriate action to resolve guest complaints

  • 采取合适的行动解决客人的投诉

  • Ensure a high level of cleaning is maintained in your work area

  • 确保所在工作区域的高度整洁

  • Carry out other tasks as directed by your leaders

  • 在上级指导下执行其它任务

Chi siamo

In qualità di primo e più globale marchio di hotel di lusso al mondo, InterContinental Hotels & Resorts è stato un pioniere dei viaggi internazionali sin dagli anni '40, siamo appassionati di condividere il nostro rinomato know-how internazionale e la nostra saggezza culturale in un ambiente davvero impressionante. Siamo tutti molto orgogliosi di essere autentici ambasciatori del marchio InterContinental®️ e di far parte del marchio avrete sete di viaggi, passione per la cultura e apprezzamento per la diversità. Creiamo esperienze stimolanti per coloro che cercano una prospettiva più ricca sul mondo. Se desideri abbracciare un mondo di opportunità, ti diamo il benvenuto nel marchio di hotel di lusso più internazionale al mondo.

Non soddisfi tutti i requisiti, ma credi ancora di essere perfetto per il lavoro? Non lo sapremo mai a meno che tu non premi il pulsante "Applica". Inizia oggi il tuo viaggio con noi.

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