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Crowne Plaza-endorsed-logo-pos-rgb-vert-en
Crowne Plaza-endorsed-logo-pos-rgb-vert-en

Hotel Brand: Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts
Location: China, Guangxi, Beihai

Albergo: Beihai Silver Beach (BHYHI), Silver Beach, 536000

Numero di lavoro: 132589

Your day to day  岗位职责

Using the tools provided (ie IBP) and in compliance with the IHG standards, maintains, updates and shares information in the areas of a master calendar of external events, competitor rate intelligence,RevPar penetration (RGI), arrival and spending patterns of commercial accounts, denial reports,meeting space allocation, guest capture rates (with the F&B Mgr), Loyalty program penetration both overall and by account (and for bookers), system contribution and trends in rooms and non-rooms revenues by channel, segment and account.

利用提供的工具(即 IBP)并依照洲际酒店集团的规范,以日历的形式对以下信息进行维持、更新和分享:外部活动、竞争对手价格情报、平均房价的渗透率(RGI)、商业客户的抵店和消费习惯、流失报告、会议空间分配、揽客率(与餐饮经理一起)、总体的和按帐户的(对于预订者而言)忠诚度计划渗透率,系统以及通过渠道、细分市场和客户得到的客房或非客房收益的趋势。

Understand the composition of hotel profitability, and uses this to evaluate business from local accounts and groups so as to provide input to future rate setting and negotiation.


Monitor competitor pricing for all revenue generating departments, understands the dynamic of the local market and the demand generators, and recommends appropriate actions to the Revenue Room Taskforce in relation to the hotel’s pricing and market mix strategy.


Conduct weekly rate/sell strategy (yield) meetings with General Manager, DOSM, Reservations Manager, Front Office Manager, Catering Manager. 


Facilitate the Revenue Room Meeting (which the GM chairs) and generates reports and analyses needed for these meetings, displaying key facts/trends etc., on the revenue room walls.


Monitor and determine demand periods for function space, rooms and catering through an analysis of historical data and current bookings. Responsible for tracking and analyzing of booking pace, group wash, cut off enforcement for groups as well as denied and regretted business.


 Approve and/or implement sell strategies for all group proposals above 9 rooms on any one night, and collaborates with the Director of Sales or Director of Catering on setting group and conference rates.

审批并执行一晚 9 间客房以上的团队销售策略,并与销售总监或餐饮总监就团组和会议的定价问题进行合作

Manage use of revenue systems* on a daily basis. This includes the responsibility for any manipulation of the yield hurdle points and daily inventory balancing where appropriate. Where a yield management system is not installed this includes responsibility for opening or closing Holidex Plus.


Train and support hotel teams on revenue system* functionality and enhancements.


Manage all channels (CRO, GDS, Internet direct and indirect) including but not limited to room types and sell strategy. Responsible for ensuring compliance with the Lowest Internet Rate Guarantee and managing third party distributors in compliance with IHG standards and rules.


Guardian of IBP. Ensure compliance with all IBP rules and standard processes. Provide input to the annual budget process on all revenue aspects of the business. Provides medium-term revenue-based forecasts of required staffing levels to all departments.

IBP 实施监控,确保遵守所有 IBP 规则和标准程序。為年度预算提供所有与业务的收益相关的建议。在收入基础上对各部门的人员需求水平进行中期预测

Conduct annual revenue management audits with the Regional Revenue Manager for all revenue generating departments.


Provides technical support to Reservations and Front Office on up-selling and negotiating techniques.


Champion all special projects relating to market research and operational optimization (resource planning, costing, Key Performance Indicators and etc.). *Revenue systems include the central reservations systems Holidex Plus, the yield mgmt system (HIRO /IDEAS) and portions of the Property management system)


Works with Human Resources on manpower planning and management needs


Works with Director of Finance in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget




Number of employees supervised 


Direct Reservations Manager/ Reservations Supervisor/ Reservation Sales Agent

直接 预订部经理,预订主管,预订销售代表

Indirect NA 


Annual Operating Profit/Payroll Budget 


Department Budget and Headcounts


Key Metrics 


Departments Budget


Hotel Revenue


Employee Satisfaction Survey


Decision Making Responsibilities (Decision Rights) 


Department Budget 


Revenue Strategies 



Chi siamo

Unisciti a Crowne Plaza, uno dei marchi di hotel premium più grandi e amati al mondo. Con oltre 420 hotel in diverse località in tutto il mondo, il Crowne Plaza è la base perfetta per connettersi per affari, piacere o un mix di entrambi. Abbiamo progettato con cura i nostri spazi per incoraggiare, sostenere e celebrare le grandi connessioni. Siamo anche grandi per riunioni ed eventi, un partner affidabile e apprezzato per connettere gruppi nazionali e globali. 

Il nostro stile di servizio di marca "Dare to Connect" è creato per la connessione. Progettato per gli esseri umani, non per gli ospiti o i colleghi senza nome. Sempre professionale ma tocca gli ospiti a livello emotivo. Dove i colleghi prendono l'iniziativa e usano la loro personalità perché fanno una differenza cruciale nell'esperienza dell'ospite. Il ruolo di ogni collega al Crowne Plaza è quello di creare connessioni emotive memorabili e il compito di ogni leader è quello di creare un ambiente in cui ciò possa accadere.

Non soddisfi tutti i requisiti, ma credi ancora di essere perfetto per il lavoro? Non lo sapremo mai a meno che tu non premi il pulsante "Applica". Inizia oggi il tuo viaggio con noi.

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