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2482x804_gestione dei conti e delle relazioni
2482x804_gestione dei conti e delle relazioni

Marca dell'hotel: InterContinental
Ubicazione: Cina, Hainan, Sanya

Albergo: Sanya Haitang Bay resort (SYXIC), No.128, North Haitang Road,, Haitang Bay, 572013

Numero di lavoro: 140499


  • Recognize and respond effectively in emergencies. 识别和有效应对紧急情况。 
  • Enforce all aquatic facility policies, rules, and regulations. 实施所有水上设施政策、规则和条例。 
  • Inspect the facility on a daily schedule and report any unsafe conditions or equipment to the supervisor. 检查设备日程表和报告任何不安全状况或设备报给主管。 
  • Complete records and reports. 完整的记录和报告。
  • Participate in regular in-service training sessions. 参加定期在职培训。
  •  Exercise regularly to maintain fitness level (strength and endurance). 定期锻炼保持健康水平(强度和耐力)。
  • Complete additional duties as assigned by supervisor. 完成主管分配的其他任务。
  •  Routinely cleans and organizes public areas of the pool and surrounding areas, re-stocking supplies and amenities as needed; 定期清洁和组织清理公共区域及周边地区的池,需要重新放置用品和设施;
  •  Ensures the maintenance of an adequate inventory of supplies necessary to effectively perform job responsibilities; informs supervisors when supplies are low; 确保维护足够的库存物资必须有效地执行工作职责,供应不足当通知主管; 
  • Inventories and pool storage areas maintain written records for inventory control purposes; 仓库和池存储区域保持书面记录以达到库存控制的目的;
  • Routinely inspects inventory, noting defective and/or unusable materials and recommending dispensation to supervisor; 定期检查库存,并指出有缺陷/无法使用材料或向主管推荐分配;
  • Routinely inspects pool and surrounding areas, potential safety hazards, problems and maintenance or repair needs and notifies the appropriate individual(s) for proper resolution; 经常检查游泳池和周边地区,潜在的安全隐患,问题和维护或修理需要告知相关的联系人;
  • Clean up the floor, cushion and rubbish, wipe the ashtray, desk and umbrella in the area; 清理地面,坐垫,垃圾,烟缸,及 遮阳伞区域;
  • Check the safety device and maintenance. Check the beach safety device and maintenance; 检查维护沙滩设施,及安全用品;
  • Ready for Open/close time; 根据时间安排开放或关闭沙滩;
  • Multi-tasking, take care of beach, pool area, towel station, and safety watch; 能胜任一人多职, 管理沙滩,泳池, 布草亭, 及康乐安全监控; 



This job requiers ability to perform the following: 

  • Recognize and respond effectively in emergencies. 识别和有效应对紧急情况。
  • Enforce all aquatic facility policies, rules, and regulations. 实施所有水上设施政策、规则和条例。
  • Inspect the facility on a daily basis, schedule and report any unsafe conditions or equipment to the supervisor. 检查设备日程表和报告任何不安全状况或设备报给主管

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