
Marca dell'hotel: HUALUXE
località: Cina, Pechino, Xi'an
Hotel: Xi'an Hi-tech Zone (SIAHZ), 11 Tuan Jie Nan Lu, distretto di Gaoxin, Xi'an, 710000
Numero di lavoro: 136636
- Mise en Place and Food Preparation
- 准备食品
- Assist with receiving and storage of goods
- 协助接收和存储物品
- Clean and maintain equipment and premises
- 清洁并保持设备和物资的清洁
- Maintain hygienic standards and procedures
- 遵守卫生规范和程序
- Assist with the preparation of functions and service
- 协助职责和服务的准备工作
- Assist with the preparation of an outlet for service including:
- 协助餐厅的服务准备工作:
- Cleaning of equipment
- 清洁设备
- Sorting of stores equipment
- 分类和存储设备
- Cleaning and maintaining glassware for service
- 清洁并保持玻璃器皿的清洁以备使用
- Cleaning and maintain flatware for service
- 清洁并保持餐具的清洁以备使用
- Cleaning and maintain china for service
- 清洁并保持瓷器的清洁以备使用
- Preparing waiter stations
- 准备服务台
- Preparing buffet service
- 准备自助餐台
- Preparing service equipment and materials
- 准备服务设备和材料
- Assisting with table preparation
- 协助餐台的准备工作
- Establishes and maintains effective employee working relationships
- 与员工建立并保持良好的工作关系。
- Attends and participates in daily briefings and other meetings as scheduled
- 参加和参与每日的例会和其它计划好的会议。
- Attends and participates in training sessions as scheduled
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