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礼宾员/行李员 Portiere/Bellman


Marca dell'hotel: InterContinental
Ubicazione: Cina, Liaoning, Dalian

Albergo: Dalian (DLCHA), Piazza Youhao n. 6, 116001

Numero di lavoro: 108230

Duties and Responsibilities


  • 1.At all times well groomed, have a pleasant disposition, greet guests with the most hospitable attitude upon arrival at the hotel, and willing to offer assistance at all times

  • 时刻保持装束整洁、态度和悦,以最礼貌的方式迎接来店客人,并随时为其提供协助。

  • 2.Maintain the entrance and main door area clean and tidy, free of obstacles and ensue that traffic through the driveway is controlled

  • 保持入口和大门区域的整洁干净,清除障碍物,并确保车道通畅。

  • 3.Adhere to guest contact standards at all times

  • 时刻遵守与客人交往的准则。

  • 4.Provide current knowledge of the services and facilities offered by the Hotel, in order to provide reliable information to guests

  • 熟知酒店服务项目和设施情况,以便向客人提供可靠的信息。

    • 5.Assist with heavy packages, coats, suitcase, etc.  being alert to give assistance courteously and quickly, before having to be asked

    • 主动协助客人提重包裹、拿衣服、提手提箱等,向客人提供礼貌和迅速的协助。

    • 6.Maintain a willingness to please attitude and give undivided attention to any approaching guest

    • 保持令人愉悦的态度并专心接待每位到来的客人。

    • 7.Adhere to guest checking in and checking out procedures pertaining to baggage handling

    • 在与行李相关的问题上,遵守客人入住和退房工作程序。

    • 8.Welcome guests at the main entrance, offering the greeting appropriate to the time of day taking particular note of repeat guests and IHG Rewards Club members

    • 在正门处欢迎客人,按具体时间段向客人发出合适的问候,特别要注意常客和忧悦会会员。

    • 9.Assist arriving and departing guests by opening and closing car and taxi doors

    • 为来店和离店的客人开关汽车及出租车门。





1.Communication skills are utilized a significant amount of time when interacting with others; demonstrated ability to interact with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company.

  • 拥有在与他人交往时大多数时间所使用的沟通技能;完全代表酒店,品牌和公司与顾客,员工和第三方交往的能力。

  • 2.Able to speak, read and write English

  •  能够读写说英语

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