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2482x804_gestione dei conti e delle relazioni
2482x804_gestione dei conti e delle relazioni

Marca dell'hotel: InterContinental
Ubicazione: Cina, Hainan, Sanya

Albergo: Sanya Haitang Bay resort (SYXIC), No.128, North Haitang Road,, Haitang Bay, 572013

Job number: 141994


Provide a warm and friendly welcome to all guests. 为所有的客人提供热情友好的欢迎
Answer the telephone calls and handle enquiries. 答复和处理电话种客人的疑问
Lead guests to the table and seat them only if the table is fully set-up. 在桌子已经摆放好的情况下, 引领客人到桌子就座
Assist in the operation during busy periods. 在餐厅高峰期协助餐厅的运作
Have a thorough understanding and knowledge of all food and beverage items in the menu.对菜单中的所有的食品的酒水有彻底的熟悉的了解
Ensure that the reception desk and surrounding area is kept clean and organized at all times.时刻保持接待台和周围工作区域内干净整洁
Handle guest complaints, requests and enquires on food, beverage and service.处理客人对食品, 酒水和服务的投诉, 要求和疑问
Establish rapport with guests, maintaining good customer relationships.与客人建立和谐的关系, 保持良好的客户关系
Maintain and update the restaurant guest history data.维持和更新餐厅客人的历史资料
Maintain a legible and up-to-date reservation book.保持预定本的清晰和更新最近信息
Assist in carrying out quarterly, bi-yearly, yearly inventory of operating equipment.协助对餐厅设备进行季度, 半季度, 年度的盘点
Carry out any other reasonable duties and responsibilities as assigned.协助完成其他分配合理的任务和工作。
Monitor music selection/level as “Outlet Music Standards”监督餐厅音乐的选择播放是否合乎餐厅音乐的标准
Escort guests to their preferred table or reserved table and seat guests according to restaurant standards根据餐厅的标准,陪同护送客人到他们指定喜欢的或者预定的位置入座。
Take telephone bookings and document in the Reservation book according to restaurant standards接受电话预定并根据餐厅的标准记录在预定本上。
Be attentive to guests and resolve their complaints where possible, reporting all incidents to your Supervisor 随时留意客人并处理客人的投诉,并将事件经过汇报给主管。
Maintain responsibility of cleanliness of hostess stations 有责任维持资客台的卫生清洁。
Maintain responsibility of cleanliness of all menus and drink menus 维护所有菜单及酒水单的干净整洁。
Assist with beverage service协助酒水服务
Assist with food service协助食品服务
Maintain detailed knowledge of menu, including daily specials详细了接菜单细节包括每日的特殊菜式。
Ensure tables are cleared quietly and efficiently确保安静快速的清理餐台
Complete dockets accurately and clearly准确清晰的完成记事表。
Maintain current information on all general activities of the hotel跟进酒店最近的所有活动概况。
Ensure the restaurant is ready to receive guests prior to opening and that both wait staff and tables are ready in line with opening standards保证在开餐时间之前所有楼面服务员以及餐前准备餐台就绪, 并做好迎接客人的准备。
Ensure restaurant operating equipment is clean and in working order确保餐厅运营的各用具的干净以及工作的需要。
Maintaining impeccable uniform and personal presentation standards in accordance with hotel policy保持制服的干净整洁和个人的仪容仪表合乎酒店的方针政策
Welcoming guests to the Restaurant, by using the guest name欢迎客人的到来, 并且称呼客人的名字
Inquiring if they have a reservation and noting it in the reservation book if they do询问客人是否有无预订
Creating a reservation for them with their dining preferences if they do not and noting it in the reservation book如果客人没有预订, 我们可根据他们用餐的选择做个预订
Being attentive to guest requests专心留意客人的要求


Complete Tertiary education. Experience in the hospitality industry, similar position experience in an international chained hotel is preferred. Knowledge of food and beverage product and service. 高等教育学历,具备酒店行业工作经验,在国际连锁酒店工作经验者优先。具有一定餐饮产品知识及服务技能。
This job requires ability to perform the following 此职务要求有能力完成下列活动:
Cope with quick turnover of business 善于处理快节奏的营业周转
Good command of English 熟练掌握英语
Professionalism 专业知识强
Able to work under pressure and long hours when necessary 在工作需要时, 能适应长时间的高压力的工作环境。
Initiative 主动性
Knowledge of Food and Beverage 具备餐饮食品与酒水知识
Good communication, social and interpersonal skills, well groomed and compose 良好的沟通技巧, 人与人之间的交往技巧, 良好的仪容仪表和举止
Self Managements Skills 自我管理技巧
Highly Presentable 良好的个人素质
Basic Computer Skills 具备基础的电脑知识
Excellent Verbal & Written Communication Skills 良好的读写沟通技巧

Communication skills are utilized a significant amount of time when interacting with others; demonstrated ability to interact with guests, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company. 与他人交互时需要具备良好的沟通技能,具备与宾客、员工和第三方高水平地交互,及展现酒店、品牌和公司良好精神面貌的能力。
Reading and writing abilities are utilized often when completing paperwork, interpreting results, receiving instructions, and training. 在完成书面工作、解释结果、接受指导、培训时需要频繁使用阅读和书写能力。
May be required to work nights, weekends, and/or holidays. 可能需要在夜间、周末和假日期间上班。

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