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Ingegnere di servizio 值班 工程师


Hotel Brand: Hotel Indigo
Location: China, Heilongjiang, Harbin

Hotel: Harbin Central Avenue (HRBCA), No. 259 Central Avenue, Daoli District, 150010

Job number: 140828

· Maintain the hotel in your qualified trade to the desired standard

· 利用自己专业技能对酒店进行维护并达到期望的标准。

· Shift inspection and rectification

· 当班检查和修整工作。

· Complete work orders as requested by the Chief Engineer to meet customer requirements

· 按照总工程师的工作指令完成工作,从而满足客人的要求。Initiate/identify project work required throughout the hotel

· 计划和确定酒店内需要完成的工作项目。Implement and action the preventative maintenance program

· 实施和执行预防性维修保养计划。

· Demonstrate flexibility in changing the work schedule in light of guest priorities

· 表现出工作的灵活机动性,按照客人的轻重缓急变更时间。

· General building minor maintenance repairs

· 对大厦进行小型的维修保养。

· Ensure pool chemical level is in accordance with legislative requirements, is vacuumed and surrounding area maintained to standards established

· 确保游泳池化学品等级符合法律要求,确保游泳池进行真空清洁,且泳池周围区域按定的标准进行维护。

· Ensure plant rooms are checked and cleaned and are in operating order

· 确保检查机房和进行清洁工作,确保设备在正常状态下工作。

· Carry pager and respond to requests from departments regarding minor maintenance issues throughout the day

· 全天佩带呼机,对部门要求执行的小型维修项目予以回应。

· Conduct lighting checks to ensure all globes are in working order

· 检查电灯,确保所有灯泡正常工作。

· Investigate reported faults for laundry and kitchen equipment

· 调查有关洗衣和厨房设备的故障报告。

· Carry out any minor repairs to guest rooms or public areas

· 执行客房和公共区域的小型维修。

· Liaise directly with departments regarding the completion of work orders and prioritize in order of guest satisfaction



· 直接与部门交流有关工作单的执行和优先顺序问题,以便使顾客满意。

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