Supervisore tecnico 工程 主管

Marca dell'hotel: Holiday Inn
località: Cina, Pechino, Wenzhou
Hotel: Wenzhou Airport (WNZWA), Block C, AFC Hub, Konggang 2nd Road, Wenzhou Longwan International Airport, Longwan District
Job number: 138675
- Maintain the hotel in your qualified trade to the desired standard
- 利用自己专业技能对酒店进行维护并达到期望的标准。
- Shift inspection and rectification
- 当班检查和修整工作。
- Complete work orders as requested by the Director of Engineer to meet customer requirements.
- 按照工程总监的工作指令完成工作,从而满足客人的要求。
- Initiate/identify project work required throughout the hotel
- 计划和确定酒店内需要完成的工作项目。
- Implement and action the preventative maintenance program
- 实施和执行预防性维修保养计划。
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