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Impiegato SGC 客服中心文员

Crowne Plaza-endorsed-logo-pos-rgb-vert-en
Crowne Plaza-endorsed-logo-pos-rgb-vert-en

Marca dell'hotel: Crowne Plaza Hotels & resort
località: Cina, Guangdong, Guangzhou

Albergo: Centro di Guangzhou (GUHHR), 339 Huanshi Road East, distretto di Yuexiu, Guangdong, 510098

Numero di lavoro: 108955

DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES工作职责                                                              



  • Summarize monthly phone bill statements for each department
  • 汇总每月各部门的话费报表



  • The Service Center Agent is responsible and accountable for all operations in relation to the Switchboard and guest message delivery, reservation taking, and information providing, requirement regarding to guest rooms amenities receiving and handling whilst on duty. All duties and tasks performed are to be procedurally correct, timely and of a consistently high quality. The Service Center Agent must also ensure that through personal presentation, telephone manner, effective and efficient work practices and guest service standards, that guests and callers “first” impression of the Hotel is a lasting one of genuine warmth and friendliness and of high standards.
  • 服务中心接线员负责总机的正常运行、为客人留言、预定、信息提供、向客人提供房间的一次性物品。所有的工作都要求按照程序高效、高质量的完成。服务中心的员工必须确保通过个人为客人提供的服务,包括电话礼仪、有效率的工作,使客人形成对酒店的真诚热心友好的高标准的服务的第一印象
  • Responsible for ensuring that clear and constant communication line is kept with all staff, areas and hotel department.
  • 负责并且确保所有的员工之间以及部门之间的沟通。
  • To ensure that all guests and callers are provided with concise information concerning the services and facilities provided by the Hotel.
  • 确保所有的客人或是来电者都能得到精确的关于酒店的服务设施的信息服务。
  • Responsible for the ongoing communication of pertinent information using the Service Center log book provided to other shifts.
  • 负责通过交接本,将正在发生的信息明确地交接给下一班。
  • Maintain a well groomed hair style and wear clean, shiny well polished shoes and a neat uniform while on duty
  • 上班时要保持好的发型,注意服装的干净,鞋要擦净并上光,并保持制服的整齐清洁。



  • Maintain a willingness to please attitude and give undivided attention to any guest calling
  • 保持令人愉悦的态度并专心接听每位客人的来电
  • Welcome guests call with smile, offering the greeting appropriate to the time of day taking particular note of repeat guests and Priority Club members
  • 面带笑容接听客人来电,按具体时间段向客人发出合适的问候,特别要注意常客和忧悦会会员。
  • To ensure as a Service Center Agent at hotel have a comprehensive knowledge of the city, and what is happening within the city at all times, and to ensure that all guest inquiries are met with prompt, informative yet friendly solutions.
  • 作为酒店服务中心员工,确保对本市的知识有广泛的了解,确保对市内发生的重大事情有所了解,确保对所有客人的询问做出迅速,友好的解答。
  • Provide door opening notification services for guests with invalid room cards in accordance with hotel standards
  • 按照酒店标准为持房卡失效的顾客提供开们通知
  • Provide information to guests about the hotel facilities and services
  • 向客人提供关于酒店的设施和服务的信息。
  • Provide guest services and guidance
  • 向客人提供服务和引导。
  • Learn and utilize names of guests, especially repeat and long staying guests remaining alert to situations where he can be of assistance to guests
  • 熟知并称呼客人的名字,特别是对于常客和长包房的客人,随时留意是否有可以为客人提供服务的情况出现。


  • 企业责任:
  • Must be fully conversant with emergency evacuation and fire procedures
  • 熟知紧急情况疏散和防火工作程序
  • Ensure governmental regulations and data privacy requirements are met.
  • 保遵守政府法律及数据隐私要求等。



Required Skills –


  • Communication skills are utilized a significant amount of time when interacting with others; demonstrated ability to interact with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company.
  • 拥有在与他人交往时大多数时间所使用的沟通技能;完全代表酒店,品牌和公司与顾客,员工和第三方交往的能力。
  • Able to read and write English
  • 能够读写英语

Qualifications –


  • High School or Vocational Certificate  in Hotel Administration, Hotel Management or equivalent
  • 具有高中或酒店行政管理,酒店管理或相关的专业证书。

Experience –


  • 6 months experience in guest service or customer service, or an equivalent combination of education and experience.
  • 拥有6个月宾客服务部工作经验,或与此相当的教育和相关工作经验结合的背景。

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