ospite Service Agent /ゲストサービス エージェント

Marca dell'hotel: InterContinental
Ubicazione: Giappone, Okinawa
Albergo: Ishigaki resort (OKAHB), 354-1 Maesato, Ishigaki-shi, 907-0002
Job number: 135584
As a central figure in the hotel, Guest Services staff play a vital role in anticipating and fulfilling the needs of guests from their arrival through their stay. By providing prompt and effective support across various areas of the hotel, they contribute to the smooth and seamless operation of the property. With exceptional hospitality and the ability to multitask, Guest Services staff ensure that each guest’s experience is elevated, creating memorable and personalized stays.
- Providing cart transportation within the resort
- Supporting guest guidance around the hotel entrance
- Assisting with luggage delivery
- Escorting guests to their rooms in accordance with brand standards
- Responding to inquiries from guests, internal departments, and other divisions (via phone, email, and in-person)
- Maintaining behavior, uniform, appearance, and grooming standards in accordance with the employee handbook
- リゾート内でのカート送迎
- ホテル玄関まわりのゲストへの案内業務サポート
- 荷物のデリバリーサポート
- ブランド基準に基づく客室までのエスコート
- ゲストおよび館内・他部署からの問い合わせ対応(電話、メール、対面)
- 社員ハンドブックに基づいた行動、制服、外見、身だしなみの基準の維持
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