Responsabile del centro servizi clienti 宾客 服务 中心 经理

Hotel Brand: InterContinental
Location: China, Yining
Hotel: Yining (YINNG), South of Nanhuan Road, East of Minzhu Road,, West of Haitang Road, North of Haijing Road
Job number: 139536
- Directs, supervises and coordinates the activities in Guest Service Center.
- 指导、监督和协调宾客服务中心的活动
- Develops and implement procedures for proper handling in and out going telephone calls, facsimile transmission, rental equipment, lease telephone lines and other telecommunication services
- 开发和应用相关程序,适当处理进出酒店的电话、传真以及设备和电话线租用及其它电信服务
- Investigates complaints regarding the Telecommunication services and the Operators and technicians, takes appropriate actions.
- 调查关于电信服务部及话务员和技术人员的投诉并采取相应措施
- Develops working plans to carry out goals, compares actual achievements against goal periodically, take necessary corrective actions
- 制订工作计划以实现目标,定期将实际成绩与所定目标进行对比,并采取必要的纠正措施
- Establishes and maintains effective employee relations
- 与员工建立并保持良好的工作关系
- Organizes and conducts regular meeting for all Guest Service Center staff to facilitate communication and a smooth operation
- 组织和召开由所有宾客服务中心工作人员参加的会议,以加强交流和保证业务的顺利进行
- Manages and monitors the operation of all equipment’s, software, hardware and endure all units are working and installed properly
- 对所有设备、软件、硬件进行管理和监测,并确保其安装和运转良好
- Ensures all telecommunication equipment’s are covered by the correct maintenance contract and the preventive maintenance is performed
- 确保所有电信设备的维护均得到有效外包,并对其实施预防性维护
- Maintains up to date list of all telecommunication equipment
- 更新列有所有电信设备的清单
- Monitors the performance of PABX/Voice Mail/Call Accounting software and maintain logbook of equipment performance report
- 监测程控交换机,语音邮件,通信呼叫统计软件的运转情况,并將设备运转报告的登記在日志上
- Investigates and reports software problem to Vendors, coordinates interface problem solving with the hotel System Manager
- 就软件出现的问题进行调查,并向供应商提交报告,与酒店系统部经理协调界面问题的解决
- Maintains suitable record to process telephone calls in the billing system, and to maintain record of the room status up to the Brand minimum standards
- 保持适当记录,以处理酒店计费系统中的电话,并按照品牌最低标准保持客房情况记录
- Maintains user documentation, PABX system reports, telephone list, and numbering plan leases agreement on rental lines, maintenance contract and local licenses
- 保管用户文件、程控交换机系统报告、电话清单、租赁线路的编号方案租赁合同、维护工作外包合同和当地执照
- Performs PABX data-base programming and regular service change to control class of service on all telephone sets in the hotel.
- 进行程控交换机数据库编程以及常规服务变更,以控制所有酒店内所有电话机的服务等级
- Prepares and controls departmental budgeted
- 准备并控制部门预算
- To attend Telecommunication seminar, product knowledge, presentation, organized by the external bodies
- 参加由外单位组织的电信研讨会、产品知识讲座和演示。
- Performs related duties and special projects as assigned
- 完成被分派的相关工作任务和特殊项目
- Conducts shift briefings to ensure hotel activities and operational requirements are known
- 进行交接班说明工作,确定了解酒店活动和运营要求
- Prepares efficient work schedule for Telephone staff, arranging holidays, vacation, taking occupancy and forecasts and any large group movements into consideration
- 在考虑酒店入住情况和预测以及大规模的团组活动的前提下,为电话服务部员工准备高效的工作计划,安排节日和假日
- Works with Superior and Human Resources on manpower planning and management needs
- 与上级领导和人力资源部一起进行人力规划和管理需求。
- Works with Superior and Director of Finance in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget.
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