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Cameriere/cameriera del Mercado 西餐厅服务员


Marca dell'hotel: InterContinental
località: Cina, Guangdong, Shenzhen

Albergo: Shenzhen (SZXHA), 9009 Shennan Road,, Città cinese d'oltremare,, 518053

Numero di lavoro: 108954

  • Deliver Food and Beverage service of high standard and in accordance with departmental standards and procedures
  • 按照部门的规范和程序提供高标准的餐饮服务。
  • Communicates to his/her superior any difficulties, guest comments and other relevant information 
  • 与上级领导交流有关疑难,客人意见和其它相关信息。
  • Establishes and maintains effective employee working relationships
  • 与员工建立并保持良好的工作关系。
  • Attends and participates in daily briefings and other meetings as scheduled
  • 参加和参与每日的例会和其它计划好的会议。
  • Attends and participates in training sessions as scheduled
  • 参加和参与计划好的培训课程。

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