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Responsabile acquisti

2482x804-contabilità finanziaria
2482x804-contabilità finanziaria

Marca dell'hotel: Vignette Collection
Ubicazione: Thailandia, Phuket

Hotel: Dinso Resort & Villas Phuket (HKTVT), 117 Nanai Road, Patong, 83150

Numero di lavoro: 110949

  • Developing, leading and executing purchasing strategies. ​
  • Tracking and reporting key functional metrics to reduce expenses and improve effectiveness.​
  • Crafting negotiation strategies and closing deals with optimal terms​
  • Forecast price and market trends to identify changes of balance in buyer-supplier power.​
  • Seek and partner with reliable vendors and suppliers.​
  • Determine quality and timing of deliveries.​
  • Control all Finance and Accounting expenses through careful use of all resources & promotes this to be one of the required habits among all colleagues. ​
  • Established and maintains good relations with other staff within the department and between others departments.

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