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Supervisore della sicurezza


Marca dell'hotel: HUALUXE
località: Cina, Chongqing, Chongqing
Cina, Chongqing, Chongqing

Albergo: Sala delle scienze di Chongqing (CKGHL), No.9, Huixi 1st Road, zona high-tech, 401329

Numero di lavoro: 129775


·Responsible for the safety and security of guests, employees and establishment needs
·Report to Manager all hotel property deficiencies and safety or security hazards
·Initiate action to improve a hazardous situation immediately
·Implement procedures for security and emergency incidents
·In the event of fire, be thoroughly familiar with and guided by the hotel’s emergency plan
·Be familiar with location of fire alarms and fire fighting equipment
·Maintain the security system
·Monitor staff clocking on and off duty
·Allocate staff locker keys as necessary
·Conduct random checks of key registers in telephone room, banqueting, engineering, stewarding and housekeeping to ensure the hotel’s key control policy is adhered to and report on discrepancies
·Maintain a 24 hour surveillance of those areas that are frequented by guests and all work areas
·Maintain a vigil on the closed circuit TV system and inform security officer on patrol duties of any unusual happenings
·Ensure checks are conducted on fire panel, fire hose real outlets and fire barriers and all other safety equipment and ensure that all are in good working order and report to the Safety Manager any item of equipment which is faulty
·Ensure hotel alarm system is in good working order
·Maintain a good working knowledge
·Maintain a daily log of incidents
·Conduct regular locker checks in line with Human Resources
·Check all packages and passes of employees entering and leaving the building
·Carry out monthly fire inspections
·Maintain a good knowledge of the liquor act and criminal code
·Prevent gambling on hotel premises 
·Prevent Sabotage of hotel premises 
·Ensure all outlets, fridges, cupboards etc are fully secured when not in use or unattended
·Ensure no undesirables loiter in or around the hotel premises
·Ensure there is no obstruction to the loading dock and that unauthorized vehicles are removed
·Coordinate functions with other security staff or Police and other government Securities and promote good will with them   
·Implement the hotel policies and procedures and advise Superiors and Human Resources of action taken
·Be correct, secure and courteous in handling any disciplinary or criminal case  
·Be alert for any unusual packages, guests or vehicles and advise superior of same 
·Be thoroughly familiar of the property layout, design, entry and exit points
·Make way by escorting VIPs and dignitaries when directed and direct traffic away from Lobby and other busy thorough fares 
·Ensure that the safety control office is never left unattended
·Provide escort duty for money transfers to the General Cashier’s office or bank as required 

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