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Sales Manager - MICE


Marca dell'hotel: Holiday Inn
località: India, Gurugram

Albergo: Settore 90 di Gurugram (DELGS), Settore 90, Haryana, 122505

Job number: 131867


Essential Duties and Responsibilities –

  1. Develop programme specifications and collateral materials, and implement approved national marketing promotions. 
  2. Survey hotels for participation in marketing programmes, including follow up discussions with hotels to determine issues and encourage participation.                                                                                                                                                  
  3. Coordinate the production of hotel level and corporate collaterals; collaborate with vendor in evaluating quality of production of all pieces, which includes providing direction and artwork to vendor, as appropriate.                                   
  4. Develop and document the process, procedure (including necessary forms to facilitate procedures), and reports.  
  5. Review Project Tracking System reports to ensure accuracy and quality.                                                                    
  6. Monitor departmental budgets to include estimates, invoice coding and tracking, end of month reconciliation.          
  7. Manage agencies and fulfillment vendor to ensure relevant, timely and cost effective use of resources.                   
  8. Responsible for effective communication and delivery organization regarding programmes, promotions, procedures etc. with key hotel contacts and franchise.                                                                                                                                   
  9. Complete other coordination duties as assigned                                                                                                            

Required Skills –

  1. Technical skills             
  2. Understanding of hotel systems.
  3. Through grasp of industry inter-dependence as related to opportunities for alliance marketing.
  4. In depth knowledge of how relationship marketing works.
  5. Personal contacts with the primary relationship marketing stakeholders. 
  6. Demonstrated success in sales.
  7. Ability to analyze, interpret and extract trends from data.
  8. Display an understanding of the dynamics of Australian and New Zealand markets.
  9. Demonstrate an affinity with technology, including literacy in word and excel.


  1. Management 
  2. Establishes goals and objectives and sets performance targets.
  3. Ability to manage multiple tasks.
  4. Has good time management skills.
  5. Deliver presentations with impact.
  6. Partnership driven.
  7. Can meet deadlines.
  8. Thinks globally.


  1. Communication Skills
  2. Effective verbal and written communication skills. 
  3. Fluent English and Chinese reading and writing.


  1. Special Requirements Specific to Job – 
  2. Working knowledge of marketing principles.
  3. Detail oriented with good organizational skills.
  4. Effective verbal and written communication skills.
  5. Good problem solving and time management skills.
  6. Experience with marketing in loyalty programs or frequent flyer programs.

Qualifications –

  1. Qualification in Business Administration

Experience –

  1. Preferred but not required, 2 years in corporate marketing environment in position with responsibility for multiple project management, internal and external communications and creative development.
  2. Familiar with loyalty marketing.

Chi siamo

Il viaggio è un viaggio. Contribuiamo a renderlo una gioia. A partire da un'accoglienza calorosa e accogliente per tutti gli ospiti, sia che viaggino per lavoro o per divertimento, che si godano un soggiorno di una notte o che si rilassino per una settimana. All'Holiday Inn ci impegniamo a rendere il soggiorno dei nostri ospiti più luminoso, aiutandoli a creare ricordi che dureranno per tutta la vita. I sorrisi irresistibili sono la nostra specialità. Dovremmo saperlo, siamo in viaggio dal 1952.

Quindi, se puoi aiutare i nostri ospiti a godersi il lato più bello del viaggio, ci piacerebbe darti un caloroso benvenuto nella famiglia Holiday Inn.

Non soddisfi tutti i requisiti, ma credi ancora di essere perfetto per il lavoro? Non lo sapremo mai a meno che tu non premi il pulsante "Applica". Inizia oggi il tuo viaggio con noi.

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