Responsabile della sicurezza 保安 部 经理

Hotel Brand: InterContinental
Location: China, Yining
Hotel: Yining (YINNG), South of Nanhuan Road, East of Minzhu Road,, West of Haitang Road, North of Haijing Road
Job number: 139603
- Communicate with the community leaders and stakeholders to establish the good reputation of the hotel .
- 同酒店所在社区的官方领导和相关人士进行全面沟通,建立酒店的良好声誉。
- Supervise and manage the outsourcing team if the hotel has outsourcing security.
- 如酒店有外包保安,监督管理外包团队。
- To coordinate and organize the day to day operations of the department including planning and controlling.
- 协调和组织本部门的日常运营工作,包括计划和控制。
- To ensure all patrolling, inspection and escort duties are performed to a high standard.
- 确保按照高水准执行所有的巡视和检查工作。
- To monitor and maintain all product and performance standards and ensure action is taken when standards are not met.
- 密切关注并保持既定行为准则目标,如未达标,应采取相应措施。
- Make sure employees are not carrying weapons or other weapons when on duty.
- 值勤时确定员工不携带武器及其它凶器。
- To supervise emergency drills.
- 监督指导紧急情况演习。
- Supervise the daily work of the Security Department, including the deployment and daily training of security personnel.
- 监督保安部日常工作,包括保安人员的部署及日常训练。
- Perform training for all security personnel.
- 对所有保安人员进行各方面的培训。
- To check and analyze all incoming reports to formalize action plan.
- 分析检查所有报案记录并制定行动计划。
- Maintain the loyalty and discipline of all security personnel.
- 保持所有保安人员的纪律性和忠诚度。
- Ensure all the security personnel as well as hotel’s staff are adhering to P&P and security procedures.
- 确保所有保安人员及酒店所有员工遵守各项安全法规。
- To coordinate with the local investigator in crimes & accident handling and investigating.
- 协助地方当局调查处理犯罪及事故案件。
- To prepare security plan for specific events (seminar, conference, government guest, with wedding etc.)
- 为特殊活动制定保安工作计划(如研讨会、大型会议、政府要客、婚庆等)。
- To work with Human Resources on manpower planning and management needs.
- 和人力资源部一起进行人力规划和管理需求。
- To be familiar with property safety, first aid and fire and emergency procedures and operate equipment safely and sensibly.
- 熟悉有关财产安全、紧急救助、消防和其他危机事件的处理方案,并能够安全谨慎地使用设备。
- To initiate action to correct a hazardous situation and notify supervisors of potential dangers.
- 制定处理危机情况的工作方案,并提示上级领导存在潜在的隐患。
- To log security incidents and accidents in accordance with hotel requirements.
- 按照酒店要求有效记录安全事故事件。
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