Responsabile della sicurezza 保安 主管

Hotel Brand: InterContinental
Location: China, Yining
Hotel: Yining (YINNG), South of Nanhuan Road, East of Minzhu Road,, West of Haitang Road, North of Haijing Road
Job number: 139605
- Responsible for the safety and security of guests, employees and establishment needs.
- 负责客人,员工和酒店的安全和保卫工作。
- Report to Manager all hotel property deficiencies and safety or security hazards.
- 向经理汇报酒店财产的损坏和潜在的安全隐患。
- Initiate action to improve a hazardous situation immediately.
- 发生危险情况时立即采取行动以挽回损失。
- Implement procedures for security and emergency incidents.
- 发生安全和紧急事故时,执行紧急情况预案程序。
- In the event of fire, be thoroughly familiar with and guided by the hotel’s emergency plan.
- 发生火警时,彻底熟练的运用酒店紧急情况预案指导疏散。
- Be familiar with location of fire alarms and fire fighting equipment.
- 熟悉火警和灭火设备的位置。
- Maintain the security system.
- 维护安全系统。
- Monitor staff clocking on and off duty.
- 监督员工的上下班时间。
- Conduct random checks of key registers in telephone room, banqueting, engineering, stewarding and housekeeping to ensure the hotel’s key control policy is adhered to and report on discrepancies.
- 抽查总机房,宴会厅,工程部,管事部和客房部的钥匙记录,确保酒店钥匙控制政策的执行。
- Maintain a 24 hour surveillance of those areas that are frequented by guests and all work areas .
- 对客用区域和所有工作区域进行24小时监控。
- Maintain a vigil on the closed circuit TV system and inform security officer on patrol duties of any unusual happenings.
- 在监控盲区进行守夜,并向上级汇报在巡逻中发现的特殊事件。
- Ensure checks are conducted on fire panel, fire hose real outlets and fire barriers and all other safety equipment and ensure that all are in good working order and report to the Safety Manager any item of equipment which is faulty.
- 确保对消防控制板,消防管,防火门和所有安全设备进行检查,并保证设备的正常工作状态,如发现设备有任何问题立即向保安经理报告。
- Ensure hotel alarm system is in good working order.
- 确保酒店报警系统正常工作。
- Maintain a good working knowledge of the following:
- 详细了解以下各项:
- The hotel switchboard and paying system.
- The control points and the working of the hotel’s gas and air conditioning system.
- The hotel’s fire indicator board, fire wardens telephones and public address system.
- Maintain a daily log of incidents.
- 检查每日事故记录表。
- Conduct regular locker checks in line with Human Resources.
- 和人力资源部一起对更衣室进行定期检查。
- Check all packages and passes of employees entering and leaving the building.
- 在员工进出酒店时进行开包检查。
- Carry out monthly fire inspections.
- 进行每月的火警检查。
- Maintain a good knowledge of the liquor act and criminal code.
- 掌握饮酒规定和犯罪记录相关的法令知识。
- Prevent gambling on hotel premises
- 防止客人在酒店内赌博。
- Prevent Sabotage of hotel premises .
- 防止客人对酒店进行破坏。
- Ensure all outlets, fridges, cupboards etc are fully secured when not in use or unattended
- 确保没有使用或无人注意的冰箱,橱柜,设备的安全。
- Ensure no undesirables loiter in or around the hotel premises.
- 确保酒店范围内无闲杂人等。
- Ensure there is no obstruction to the loading dock and that unauthorized vehicles are removed.
- 确保车库入口无障碍物,并移走乱停乱放的车辆。
- Coordinate functions with other security staff or Police and other government Securities and promote good will with them.
- 与其它保安员或警察和政府保安队伍良好的合作。
- Implement the hotel policies and procedures and advise Superiors and Human Resources of action taken.
- 执行酒店的政策与程序,并给上级和人力资源部提出行动建议。
- Be correct, secure and courteous in handling any disciplinary or criminal case.
- 正确的,安全的,礼貌的处理所有违纪事件或犯罪案件。
- Be alert for any unusual packages, guests or vehicles and advise superior of same .
- 警惕任何可疑的包裹,客人或车辆,同时提醒上级。
- Be thoroughly familiar of the property layout, design, entry and exit points.
- 彻底全面的了解酒店的规划,设计,出入口等。
- Make way by escorting VIPs and dignitaries when directed and direct traffic away from Lobby and other busy thorough fares.
- 护送贵宾和高官由特别通道进出酒店以避开大堂和人群。
- Ensure that the safety control office is never left unattended.
- 确保安全控制中心24小时有人当班。
- Provide escort duty for money transfers to the General Cashier’s office or bank as required .
- 按要求护送总出纳到银行存取现金。
- Carries out other tasks as assigned .
- 执行其它被指派的任务。
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