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Addetto al servizio餐厅服务员

2482x804-cibo caldo e bevande
2482x804-cibo caldo e bevande

Marca dell'hotel: HUALUXE
località: Cina, Pechino, Xi'an

Albergo: Xi'an Chanba (SIAXC), n. 5167, Shibo Ave, zona ecologica di Chandba, 710024

Numero di lavoro: 108780

o Enforce shift hand over procedures

o 执行交接班程序。

o Enforce correct bill paying procedures

o 遵守正确的结账程序。

o Conduct effective shift briefings ensuring all staff are aware of VIPs, special occasions, daily specials; emphasis on up-selling certain products; etc

o 有效的进行交接班说明会,确保所有员工了解重要客人,特殊活动,每日特价,重点是推销某些产品等。

• Share recommendations and guest comments to Chef and Food and Beverage Manager to reflect current customer profile

• 与厨师和餐饮经理交流意见和客人的建议从而反应当前客人的情况。

• Manage special amenities and special events

• 特殊设施和活动的管理工作。

• Anticipate market changes and review operations when necessary

• 有效的预测市场的变化,并在必要时审评运营工作。

• Conduct competitor analysis

• 对竞争对手进行分析。

• Manage customer database and utilize effectively

• 管理顾客数据库并有效的加以使用。

• Up-sell property facilities

• 推销酒店的设施。

• Actively pursue cost saving measures

• 积极的实行节约成本的措施。

• Recycle wherever possible

• 尽可能再利用能源。

• Forecasting

• 进行预测工作。

• Stock control

• 有效的控制存货。

• Conduct monthly staff meeting to ensure all management projects, policies, new product, staff movement …etc are notified and documented.  During this time, encourage comments and ideas from staff for the interest of room service department

• 召开月度员工会议确保通知所有管理项目,规章,新产品,员工变动并记录在案。

• Enforce cleanliness of Room Service area and kitchen equipment and maintenance

• 执行客房送餐服务区域和厨房的清洁标准,并予以保持。

• Make conversation to guests during their order and find out their likes and dislikes as well as building rapport

• 在客人点餐时与客人交谈,发现客人的喜好,同时建立友善的关系。


• Maintain good relations with other members of Food and Beverage including Kitchen, Stewarding and Service Operations

• 与餐饮部其它部分保持良好的工作关系,包括厨房,管事部和服务部门。

• Actively participate in departmental training and give support and feedback

• 积极的参加部门培训并给予支持和反馈。

• Ensure sufficient operational equipment and linen

• 确保备有充足的运营设备和布巾。

• Handle guests complaints professionally

• 专业的处理客人的投诉。

• Handle guests complaints professionally

• Report and document every single glitch in food and beverage immediately, to superiors, Executive Chef and other related Managers

• 及时向上级领导,行政总厨和相关经理汇报餐饮工作中发生的每次事故并予以记录。

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