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保安 员


Бренд отеля: InterContinental
Месторасположение: Китай, Пекин, Дунгуань

Отель: Дунгуань (XHODG), T4 Guo Mao Center, No.1 East Hong Fu Road, 523000

Номер работы: 131605


 Responsible for the safety and security of guests, employees and establishment needs负责酒店宾客、员工及设施的安全保卫工作

Implement procedures for security and emergency incidents执行安全和紧急事件处理程序

In the event of fire, be thoroughly familiar with and guided by the hotel’s emergency plan发生火灾时,应熟知并按照酒店应急事件处理要求进行工作

Be familiar with location of fire alarms and fire fighting equipment熟悉消防报警及灭火器材的位置

Maintain a good knowledge of the liquor act and criminal code掌握有关酗酒及犯罪管理条理

Maintain a regular presence in public area or your assigned post保持定期的在公共区域或所负责的岗位值勤

Prevent gambling on hotel premises   禁止在酒店内赌博行为              

Prevent Sabotage of hotel premises禁止毁坏酒店设施的行为

Patrol all areas including employee locker rooms, kitchens, food and beverage storage areas, car parking and remote areas


Assist and maintain crowd control as required按照要求协助维持人群的正常秩序

Ensure all outlets, fridges, cupboards etc are fully secured when not in use or unattended确保所有未被使用的电源插座、冰箱、厨柜等的安全

Act on reports delivered by the Security Manager regarding any unusual incidents identified by closed circuit television


Ensure no undesirables loiter in or around the hotel premises确保不受欢迎的人员不在酒店内或酒店周围出现

Ensure there is no obstruction to the loading dock and that unauthorized vehicles are removed确保裝卸区无障碍,未经批准的车辆不得入内

Coordinate functions with other security staff or Police and other government Securities and promote good will with them    


Implement the hotel policies and procedures and advise Superiors and Human Resources of action taken


Report directly and explain with details if any problem arising or malfunctioning property or equipment to superior or log book 


Be correct, secure and courteous in handling any disciplinary or criminal case   正确、安全、礼貌地处理各类违规及犯罪案件      

Establish and maintain the effective employee relations建立并保持良好的员工关系

Be alert for any unusual packages, guests or vehicles and advise superior of same对于异常的行李、客人或车辆保持高度警惕,并向上级领导汇报相关情况

Be thoroughly familiar of the property layout, design, entry and exit points熟悉酒店布局、设计及出入口的情况

Engage in staff bag checks and locker checks as directed by Human Resources按照酒店人事部的要求检查员工储物柜及其随身携带物品

Make way by escorting VIPs and dignitaries when directed and direct traffic away from Porte Cochere and other busy thorough fares


Provide escort duty for money transfers to the General Cashier’s office or bank as required按照要求对酒店与银行之间的现金转移提供护卫

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