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行李 员


Бренд отеля: InterContinental
Расположение: Китай, Сычуань, Чэнду.

Отель: Century City Chengdu (CTUHA), No. 88 CENTURY CITY BOULEVARD, 610041

Job number: 134048

  • Assist with heavy packages, coats, suitcase, etc.  being alert to give assistance courteously and quickly, before having to be asked 
  • 主动协助客人提重包裹、拿衣服、提手提箱等,向客人提供礼貌和迅速的协助。
  • Maintain a willingness to please attitude and give undivided attention to any approaching guest
  • 保持令人愉悦的态度并专心接待每位到来的客人。
  • Adhere to guest checking in and checking out procedures pertaining to baggage handling
  • 在与行李相关的问题上,遵守客人入住和退房工作程序。
  • Welcome guests at the main entrance, offering the greeting appropriate to the time of day taking particular note of repeat guests and Priority Club members
  • 在正门处欢迎客人,按具体时间段向客人发出合适的问候,特别要注意常客和忧悦会会员。
  • Assist arriving and departing guests by opening and closing car and taxi doors
  • 为来店和离店的客人开关汽车及出租车门。
  • Maintain a spotless Porte Cochere and Drive way
  • 保持车辆门道和车道的清洁。
  • Guide the guest to the Front Desk and wait behind the guest during the check-in. Keep eyes on the Front Desk Clerk who provides the signal for you to step forward and receive the room and rooming booklet from the Front Desk Clerk.  Without delay, escort the guests accordingly.
  • 将客人引至前台并在其办理入住手续时在其身后等待。在看到前台接待员的示意后上前从前台接待员处取得房间号和房卡,然后立即护送客人至其房间。
  • Be familiar with the layout of the hotel and memorize the preferred route for escorting guests
  • 熟悉酒店布局并记下护送客人的最佳路线。
  • Room the guest in accordance with hotel standards
  • 按照酒店标准为客人安排房间。
  • Be familiar with the lift workings and emergency stairs 
  • 熟悉电梯和疏散楼梯的使用。
  • Provide information to guests about the hotel facilities and services
  • 向客人提供关于酒店的设施和服务的信息。
  • Provide guest services and guidance
  • 向客人提供服务和引导。
  • Learn and utilize names of guests, especially repeat and long staying guests and routinely greet guests as they pass through the lobby, remaining alert to situations where he can be of assistance to guests
  • 熟知并称呼客人的名字,特别是对于常客和长包房的客人,并在客人经过大厅时与其打招呼,随时留意是否有可以为客人提供服务的情况出现。
  • Keep the lobby clean and tidy, informing the Concierge or Bell Captain if it needs major cleaning
  • 保持大厅的整洁,如果需要大清扫的话应通知礼宾主管或行李领班。
  • Maintain a well groomed hair style and wear clean, shiny well polished shoes and a neat uniform while on duty
  • 上班时要保持好的发型,注意服装的干净,鞋要擦净并上光,并保持制服的整齐清洁。
  • Help other employees in department, replacing them temporarily when necessary
  • 帮助部门内其它员工,如有必要则暂时代理他们的工作 。
  • Keep the baggage room clean and in order before going off duty on each shift
  • 每次交班前均保持行李室的整洁。
  • Upon arrival of newspaper, prepare them and deliver them to guest rooms as assigned by the Bell Captain
  • 当报纸送到后进行适当整理,然后按行李领班的要求将其送至客人房间。
  • Use the Duty Log to document matters of importance
  • 使用工作日志来记录重要事项。
  • Operate Communicates equipment
  • 操作通信设备。
  • Arrange transport and coordinate luggage
  • 负责安排交通并协调行李事宜。
  • Manage the key system securely 
  • 对钥匙系统进行安全管理。 Check, tag, and store luggage or guest items delivered to the luggage storage room by bell and door attendants.
  • 检查,标注和存储行李或由应接服务员和门僮送到行李储存间的客人物品。
  • Ensure all claim checks are matched with luggage tag on the item being retrieved.
  • 确保所有收到的行李与行李牌相符。
  • Inform the Front Desk Manger or Manger on Duty and Security immediately of lost items.
  • 及时将遗失物品通知前台经理或值班经理和保安部。
  • Deliver checked items to departing guests in the absence of a door or bell attendant.
  • 在门僮或应接服务生缺席时将物品送给离店客人。
  • Maintain luggage and baggage storage room in a neat and orderly manner.
  • 保持行李存储间整齐干净。
  • Promote team work and quality service through daily communications and coordination with other departments. 
  • 通过与其它部门的每天沟通和協作促进团队合作和高质服务。
  • May regularly inspect and clear hotel entrance and surrounding areas of litter and debris.
  • 定期检查和清理酒店入口和周围区域的垃圾和废弃物。
  • Perform other duties as assigned.
  • 执行其它分配给的工作。At all times well groomed, have a pleasant disposition, greet guests with the most hospitable attitude upon arrival at the hotel, and willing to offer assistance at all times
  • 时刻保持装束整洁、态度和悦,以最礼貌的方式迎接来店客人,并随时为其提供协助。
  • Maintain the entrance and main door area clean and tidy, free of obstacles and ensue that traffic through the driveway is controlled
  • 保持入口和大门区域的整洁干净,清除障碍物,并确保车道通畅。
  • Adhere to guest contact standards at all times
  • 时刻遵守与客人交往的准则。
  • Provide current knowledge of the services and facilities offered by the Hotel, in order to provide reliable information to guests
  • 熟知酒店服务项目和设施情况,以便向客人提供可靠的信息。
  • Assist guests in and out of taxis and other vehicles and remove baggage from vehicles enabling the Bellboy to escort guests, with baggage, to the Front Desk for check-in
  • 帮助客人进出出租车或其它车辆,从车下取下行李,以便行李员可以提行李并护送客人到前台办理入住手续。
  • Obtain taxis for guests as required and do your best to ensure the guests are not overcharged by taxis by either negotiating with the taxi driver himself, or by cautioning the guest to be on alert
  • 按要求为客人叫出租车,并与司机谈价钱或提醒客人注意,以确保客人不被司机多收费。
  • Knowledgeable in assisting guests in requests for transport and other information
  • 熟知相关情况,协助客人询问交通等方面的信息。
  • Knowledgeable of the events of the day and of daily Hotel activities
  • 掌握当日活动情况以及酒店的日常活动。
  • Knowledgeable of VIP guests and whenever possible addresses such guests by name
  • 熟悉贵宾情况,如有可能应尽量称呼贵宾的名字。
  • Has presence and alerts Security or Duty Manager whenever a suspicious looking person or troublemaker is present
  • 当有可疑人员到来或有人故意生事时,要时刻保持镇静,并立即通知保安或值班经理。
  • Keep alert for guest entering and leaving the hotel. Suspect guests (including those engaged in competitor analysis, suspicious looking characters, etc) should be relayed immediately to the Front Office Manager 
  • 注意进店和离店的客人。对于可疑的客人(包括竞争对手派来的分析人员和外表可疑的人员等)应立即交由前厅部经理处理。
  • Conversant with emergency evacuation and fire procedures.
  • 熟知紧急疏散和消防工作程序。
  • Maintain and execute Finance standards and procedures 


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