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财务 及 业务 支持 总监 Директор по финансам и поддержке бизнеса


Бренд отеля: InterContinental
Расположение: Китай, Шаньси, Тайюань

Гостиница: Taiyuan (TYNHA), No.8, Changxing South Street, Jinyuan District, 030000

Job number: 134829


Provide management with timely financial analysis for effective decision-making.  Prepare all statutory and management requirements of InterContinental Hotels Group and Owners.  Develop financial strategies including IT strategies to help develop the business and review periodically.



At InterContinental Hotels & Resorts® we want our guests to feel special, cosmopolitan and In the Know which means we need you to:

  • Be charming by being approachable, having confidence and showing respect.
  • Stay in the moment by understanding and anticipating guests’ needs, being attentive and taking ownership of getting things done.
  • Make it memorable by being knowledgeable, sharing stories and showing your style to create moments that make people feel special.


  • 亲切、充满自信、体现尊重来展现富有魅力的你。
  • 理解和预测宾客的需要、做到细心周到、具主人翁精神、把事情办好,保持专注当下。
  • 见多识广、分享阅历、展现你的风格来创造令人感觉特别的时刻,做到令人难忘。



  • Assists and provides financial guidance in the formulation and implementation of Strategic Plan, Budget and KPO’s (Goals Program)
  • 在规划和执行战略方案,预算和KPO(目标计划)时,协助提供财务指导。
  • Ensure an up to date cash flow projection is maintained and maximizes cash flow performance of the hotel through controls on inventory, credit and collection, disbursements, deposits and remittances
  • 确保提供具有时效性的现金流量预测,通过对存货、信用授权、应收、应付帐款、存汇款的控制,使酒店的现金流产生最大效益。
  • Ensure excess cash is managed to maximize earning potential
  • 保证有效的管理剩余现金,使其发挥最大的效益
  • Prepares outlooks for forthcoming months and forecasts for the remainder of the year
  • 制定将来月份及本年度剩余月份的业务分析预测
  • Prepares monthly position of actual results against budget, analyze results and recommend to Executive Committee measures required to meet budget
  • 对比预算,编制月度实际业务情况报告,分析结果并向行政委员会建议实现预算的具体措施。
  • Prepare consolidated quarterly position assessments for the General Manager
  • 向总经理提供季度财务情况汇总分析报告
  • Distributes outlook and forecast information as an up to date management tool for operating departments
  • 作为最新的管理工具,向运营部门分发财务经营状况和经营预测信息报告
  • Implement and review financial controls and policies
  • 执行和审查财务管理方法和规章。
  • Communicate with Owners and maintains good relations and attends liaison meetings when required
  • 与业主进行交流,并在必要时出席工作会议。
  • Analyze financial and management reports
  • 分析财务和管理报表。
  • Design internal reporting systems required by the department and hotel
  • 按酒店和部门的要求设计内部报告系统。
  • Evaluate existing internal control measures that apply to accounting procedures and computer systems as per IHG Policies and Procedures 
  • 按照洲际酒店集团的规章制度评审现行的会计制度和计算机系统。
  • Employ adequate internal control procedures to ensure correct authorization for payment procedures
  • 采用充分有效的内部控制措施以确保正确的付款审批权限
  • Manage internal and external audits when they occur
  • 对内部及外部审计工作进行管理
  • Provides administrative support to Management with reference to policy enforcement, business advice and operational assistance
  • 通过推进执行管理政策、业务发展建议和运营支持等方式向管理层提供行政管理支持
  • Identifies training needs, develops formal training plans and conducts training sessions for accounting and operational staff in coordination with other departments
  • 协调其它部门,分析财务及运营人员的培训需求,开发正式的培训计划并组织员工参加培训
  • Identifies staff with potential for promotion and/or transfer within Accounting operation
  • 发现那些有升职可能的员工,并且安排他们在酒店业务运行支持部门轮岗
  • Obtains appropriate legal counsel regarding the business practices of the hotel and maintains an awareness of local laws, rules and regulations
  • 获取与酒店经营相关的法律咨询信息,拥有良好的地方法律法规意识
  • Provides safekeeping, including proper storage and access for all contracts, leases and other financial records
  • 对包括所有合同、租赁及财务文件在内的所有信息提供安全保证,确保其得到妥善保管和安全存取。
  • Follows up on all capital expenditures to ensure compliance with original justification and approval
  • 跟进所有资本支出,保证其按照原有的审批程序执行
  • Participates in local recognized professional and industry organizations
  • 加入当地正式的职业及行业组织
  • Recommends and maintains appropriate list of delegation of authority for hotel management
  • 为酒店管理层建议合适的授权代表名录并对名录进行维护。
  • Conducts monthly inspections and tests to ensure all departments are complying with required procedures
  • 进行月度检查和测试,确保所有部门按照要求遵守相关的工作规程
  • Performs those duties required by the controls checklist issued by IHG Regional Director of Finance and Business Support / Area V.P. Finance
  • 执行由洲际酒店集团财务与业务支持区域总监和财务地区副总裁发布的管理检查单上所要求的职责。
  • Reviews prices and recommends pricing strategy to the General Manager
  • 评审产价格,向总经理建议适当的价格策略
  • Implements and maintains acceptable accounting practices and procedures as required by InterContinental Hotels Group Policy, generally accepted accounting practices, and as affected by local conditions
  • 按照洲际酒店集团的规章制度,公共会计准则和当地适用条款的规定执行和维护认可的会计工作准则和会计程序。
  • Select and monitor the Local Banking arrangements made for the operation of the Hotel in Conjunction with the Hotel Owners (Managed Hotels) 
  • 配合酒店业主选择和监督与酒店业务运营相关的当地银行的业务工作。(管理的酒店)
  • Review of operating equipment stores to avoid unnecessary/excessive purchases and to eliminate (or at least be aware) of obsolete slow moving items
  • 审查运营设备库房,避免不必要或过度采购,清理(或至少意识到)流通缓慢的过期物品。
  • Ensure all accounts are reconciled on monthly basis, review and approve those reconciliation’s
  • 每月进行会计对帐工作,审批会计对帐表。
  • Ensure payments are made to IHG (All Fees and billings) as fast as possible
  • 确保洲际酒店集团内部的财务款项及时得以支付。
  • Management of work flows of the finance department
  • 管理财务部门的工作流程。
  • Assist in the maintenance of the fixed asset register on an annual basis
  • 协助注冊的固定资产的年度维修保养工作。
  • Together with the IT Manager develop yearly strategic goals for the hotel relating to financial measures
  • 与信息技术经理一起为酒店设立与财务测量数据相关的年度策略目标。
  • Work with Head of Departments to perform ad hoc cost benefit analysis on various projects
  • 与各部门领导一起对不同的项目进行成本收益分析
  • Works with Human Resources on manpower planning and management needs
  • 与人力资源部合作制定人力资源规划和管理需求



Required Skills –



  • Demonstrated ability to interact with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly on the hotel, the brand and the Company.
  • 完全代表酒店,品牌和公司与顾客,员工和第三方交往的能力。
  • Proficient in the use of Microsoft Office
  • 能熟练使用微软办公软件
  • Problem solving, reasoning, motivating, organizational and training abilities.
  • 具有解决问题,推理,号召,组织和培训能力
  • Good Communication and writing skills
  • 具有良好的沟通和写作技能


Qualifications –



  • Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, Finance or related field. CPA preferred.
  •  会计,财务或相关专业的学士学位。注册会计师优先。


Experience –



  • 8 years in hotel accounting or audit with at least 3 year in similar supervisory role, or an equivalent combination of education and work-related experience.
  • 8年酒店会计或审计工作经历,至少有3年类似管理经验,或与此相当的教育和相关工作经验结合的背景。

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