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Менеджер по обучению и качеству


Бренд отеля: InterContinental
Месторасположение: Иордания, Акаба

Отель: Акаба (курорт Акаба) (AQJHA), улица Короля Хусейна, 2311

Job number: 129965

We are looking for a Learning & Quality Manager who will drive exceptional guest experiences through targeted and measured training platforms along with a high level of attention to detail in quality assurance and standards

Your Day to Day tasks:

  • Conduct all Training Needs Analysis for the Hotel and utilize IHG training programs.
  • Conduct the IHG technical training and development workshops to all job bands.
  • Train departmental trainers and supervisors in techniques and skills for training.
  • Evaluate departmental trainers’ performance and effectiveness of training programs, providing recommendation for improvement.
  • Plan monthly Department trainer meetings to review the operational department training needs analysis, the training plan for the upcoming month and targets to achieve.
  • Conduct routine and mandatory training programs.
  • Liaise with schools and universities regarding placements of internship students.
  • Monitor cross training progress and suggest for internal application for suitable internal vacancies.
  • Plan and implement product knowledge assessment to maintain a high level of product knowledge throughout the property.
  • Create a Talent pool of High Potentials from the Annual Performance Appraisals.
  • Develop Succession plans for the Talent Pool with the Department Heads and monitor progress based on goals.
  • Identify where training needs exist and ensure hiring managers are equipped in the interview process to best assess candidates as well as ensure that candidates have the best possible experience when evaluating the firm.
  • Prepare the yearly Learning & Development budget in line with the corporate requirements.
  • Formulate and structure the hotel quality committee ensuring engagement and participation from Hotel leadership operation Team.
  • Support General Manager in reviewing and analyse hotel guest feedback through various platforms (Guest Love, GSI, Social Reviews, Glitches, Courtesy calls, Mystery Shop etc.) on a regular basis and provide a clear understanding of the root cause of the issues and areas to improve.
  • Participate in the daily Operations meeting and share relevant data hotel performance trends.
  • Supporting operation Team facilitating monthly and quarterly, Quality/Guest Experience/Tactical Solve Meetings and action planning sessions (identification of problems, root cause analysis – monitor improvements and communicate progress).
  • Assist the leadership team in building the Quarterly Tactical Solve Action Planning (identification of problems, root cause analysis and action plan).
  • Monitor implementation of Tactical Solve action points, communicate progress on key identified areas.
  • Develop and conduct service quality and brand standards audits with department head stakeholders.
  • Support departments Heads in the annual quality evaluation audit and takes necessary actions post quality evaluation audit and guest experience evaluation.
  • Promote service excellence initiatives across the hotel and identify training gaps to enhance the guest experience.
  • Ensure that Front office/leadership Team respond all guests review on our OTA sites on timely manner using the Medallia Portal.
  • Assist Operations Team on initiatives that drive guest satisfaction and business performance in key areas.
  • Ensure set grooming standards and product knowledge is observed and updated by all colleagues.
  • Support sister hotels in the same city on cross service audit once a year.
  • Lead the implementation of IHG new quality tools and initiatives.
  • Conducting mystery shops of competitors on a quarterly basis and provide a gap analysis to the leadership team.

В компании IHG мы дали обещание. Являясь одной из ведущих гостиничных групп мира, мы обеспечиваем истинное гостеприимство во имя добра. Чтобы наши гости и коллеги чувствовали себя желанными гостями, о которых заботятся, которых признают и уважают - в какой бы точке мира они ни находились. Хотите принять участие в путешествии?

Будучи первым и самым глобальным в мире брендом отелей класса люкс, InterContinental Hotels & Resorts является первопроходцем в области международных путешествий с 1940-х годов. Мы страстно желаем поделиться нашим знаменитым международным ноу-хау и культурной мудростью в действительно впечатляющей обстановке. Мы все гордимся тем, что являемся настоящими послами бренда InterContinental®️, и чтобы стать частью этого бренда, вы должны обладать жаждой путешествий, страстью к культуре и ценить разнообразие. Мы создаем вдохновляющие впечатления для тех, кто стремится взглянуть на мир более богато. Если вы хотите открыть для себя мир возможностей, мы приглашаем вас в самый международный бренд роскошных отелей в мире.

Не совсем соответствуете всем требованиям, но все равно уверены, что отлично подойдете для этой работы? Мы никогда не узнаем об этом, пока вы не нажмете кнопку "Применить". Начните свое путешествие с нами уже сегодня.
