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VIP 贵宾 服务 师


Бренд отеля: InterContinental
Расположение: Китай, Сычуань, Чэнду.

Отель: Century City Chengdu (CTUHA), No. 88 CENTURY CITY BOULEVARD, 610041

Job number: 134046

·        Deliver Food and Beverageservice of high standard and in accordance with departmental standards andprocedures

·        根据部门的标准和标准,提供高品质的餐饮服务

·        为商务贵宾提供主桌分餐和桌餐服务

·        为婚宴贵宾提供主桌优质的服务

·        不断的学习和提高自己的英语水平,以便为外宾提供更优质的服务

·        掌握对客服务的基本英语口语

·        工作职责还包括以下几点:

·        了解中西餐的菜品知识

·        了解中西餐的酒水知识

·        了解会议知识

·        Communicates to his/hersuperior any difficulties, guest comments and other relevant information 

·        与上级交流疑难问题、客人评价和其他相关问题

·        Establishes and maintainseffective employee working relationships

·        建立和维持有效的工作关系

·        Attends and participates indaily briefings and other meetings as scheduled

·        根据日程安排参加每日例会和其他会议

·        Attends and participates intraining sessions as scheduled

·        根据安排参加培训

·        Take appropriate action toresolve guest complaints

·        采取适当的措施解决客人的抱怨

·        Food and beverage stock isstored in relation to hotel procedures

·        根据酒店的程序储存食物和酒水

·        Performs related duties andspecial projects as assigned

·        完成所分配的相关的任务和特殊的工作

·        Prepares for service byensuring:

·        作好服务准备工作确保作到以下几方面:

·        Grooming is impeccable and inaccordance with ICHG personal presentation standards

·        根据洲际酒店集团的个人仪表标准保持完好的个人仪容仪表

·        Equipment is clean

·        干净的设备

·        Equipment is sorted and stored

·        设备的分类和储存

·        Glassware is polished

·        光亮的玻璃器具

·        Requirements for specialoccasions are ready

·        准备特别场合的必要用具

·        Music is on

·        合适音量的背景音乐

·        Lighting is on

·        合适的照明灯光

·        Function room is ready forservice and guest comfort

·        做好会议厅的准备工作以便提供服务和款待客人

·        To give efficient and friendlyservice to the guest during functions held at the Hotel, complying with allestablished service and  qualitystandards.

·        在活动进行中,按照酒店制订的服务和质量标准,为客人提供高效、友好的服务。

·        To be responsible for theactual set up of each function, being the placement of tables, chairs, stages,audio visual and any other equipment used for the function.

·        负责每次活动的布置,布置桌子、椅子、舞台、视听设备和其他活动需要用的东西。

·        To ensure that all tables,chairs, linen and operating equipment used for this function is clean andpolished.

·        保证用于活动的桌子、椅子、布草和经营用具干净并擦亮。

·        To prepare all mise en place asdirected by the Service Supervisor, and ensure that this equipment is clean andpolished, and correctly laid out to ensure a speedy set up. In the event thatthere is insufficient equipment you must inform the service supervisor.

·        在主管的指挥下,做好准备工作,保证设备干净,正确快速摆放。如果设备不够,要立即通知主管。

·        To prepare all condiments to beused for the function, and ensure that condiments are fresh and free fromcontamination.

·        准备好用于活动的所有调味品,保证调味品新鲜,没有污染。

·        To ensure that there issufficient fresh linen for the function, and make sure that all soiled lined isreturned to the laundry to be washed. Taking care to note any linen exchange inthe linen book.

·        保证有足够的活动需要的新鲜布草,并保证所有脏掉的布草都送到洗衣房清洗。将布草换洗仔细记录在布草记录簿里。

·        To be familiar with all Banquetset up styles, that are used for functions in the Hotel. And be able to set upa function room accordingly.

·        熟悉所有酒店宴会活动的摆台,并能布置相应的宴会厅。

·        To prepare all serviceequipment to be used for the function, ensuring that all equipment is clean andpolished.

·        准备好活动需要的所有服务设备,保证所有设备都干净和擦亮。

·        To be well groomed and punctualat all times and assume a pleasant and helpful attitude towards the guest.

·        随时都保持好的仪容仪表,用愉快的和乐意提供帮助的态度面对客人。

·        To attend to customercomplaints, and report directly to the captain and supervisor, paying specialattention to any requests that may arise.

·        及时处理客人的抱怨和投诉,立即报告给领班和主管,及时处理客人提出的特别要求。

·        Must be fully aware of the dutyroster, and be prepared to work additional shifts as the business demands. Inthe event of working overtime, no payment shall be extended for this. Howeveradditional days off will be granted accordingly.

·        必须每天留意排班表,因生意需要时,要准备好加班。如果需要加班,是没有报酬的,但是有相应的休息日。

·        To be observant during theservice in all functions, and to be aware of guests need, and attend to them ina speedy and timely fashion.

·        在活动服务过程中,要特别留心观察客人的需要,并快速及时的为客人服务。

·        To comply with all directionsgiven by the Banquet Service Manager, Supervisor and captains at all times.

·        遵从宴会经理、主管和领班的指导。

·        Will be required to breakdownand reset the function rooms after each function has finished. To return theroom to its normal state or re-set the room for the next function.

·        每次活动结束后都要求整理和重新布置活动用的房间,恢复房间的一般布置或为下次活动重新布置。

·        Will be required on occasionsto attend, set up, provide service and breakdown functions that are heldoutside the Hotel.

·        有在酒店外举行的活动时,必须参加布置,提供服务。

·        Follow manual liftingprocedures at all times during the removal of banqueting equipment, reportingimmediately to supervisor in the event of any damage such as strained muscles

·        在宴会设施的移动中应遵守手工移动的程序,如有任何损害包括肌肉损伤应立即向你的上级汇报

·        Ensure the banquet store roomis kept tidy  and trays, tables, chairs,skirting etc is maintained in an orderly fashion

·        确保宴会储存室的整洁,餐盘、桌椅、围裙 等都应保持整洁

·        Work efficiently with theBanquet team to deliver room set ups in accordance with client’s expectations

·        根据客人的要求与宴会部其他员工共同布置房间的摆设

·        Assemble and disassemble tablesand chairs with care, minimizing damage to equipment and walls, includingscratches, paint chippings, etc

·        桌椅的安装与拆卸应小心翼翼,竟可能避免设施和墙体的损伤,包括刮痕和漆面脱落

·        Report all incidents requiringmaintenance to your Manager

·        随时向你的经理汇报所有的大小事务

·        Follow orders relating toequipment layout by the Banquet Manager

·        根据宴会部经理的要求布置场地

·        Maintain confidentiality inrelation to particular events in line with Manager’s request

·        根据经理的要求应对某些特别的活动保密

·        Occupational Health and SafetyResponsibilities

·        工作的健康和安全职责

·        Demonstrate Awareness ofOH&S policies and procedures and ensure all procedures are conducted safelyand within OH&S guidelines and ensure your direct reports do the same

·        熟悉职业保健、安全职责相关政策和程序,以确保所有程序能得以安全地执行,并在职业保健和安全职责方针的指导下确保行为落到实处。

·        Be aware of duty of care andadhere to occupational, health and safety legislation, policies and procedures

·        注意安全的职责并符合职业、健康、安全等法律政策和法规

·        Be familiar with propertysafety, first aid and fire and emergency procedures and operate equipmentsafely and sensibly

·        熟悉酒店的安全、救护、消防及紧急情况的程序,并能安全正确的使用各种设备

·        Initiate action to correct ahazardous situation and notify supervisors of potential dangers

·        及时采取措施补救危险的情况并向主管汇报潜在的危险

·        Log security incidents andaccidents in accordance with hotel requirements

·         根据酒店要求记录安全事故及意外事故

·        Maintain and execute Financestandards and procedures.


·        遵照所有财务标准工作程序。

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