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洗衣 房 经理 Gerente de lavandería

2482x804-Desarrollo de Negocios
2482x804-Desarrollo de Negocios

Marca del hotel: HUALUXE
Ubicación: China, Pekín, Haikou

Hotel: Haikou Seaview (HAKUL), No. 21 Bihai Road, distrito de Meilan, 570208

Job number: 135382

  • Possess a complete knowledge of washing, spotting, starching, dry-cleaning and pressing techniques. To  establish production  standards`  records and  training  techniques
  • 全面掌握湿洗、去渍、上浆、干洗和熨烫的技能。并建立生产标准记录和培训技巧
  • Ensure that all items laundered and dry cleaned within the hotel’s laundry are finished to the highest standard achievable and returned to the guests or staff in immaculate condition
  • 确保酒店洗衣房的湿洗和干洗服务均达到最高标准,所洗衣物均整洁的返还至客人或员工。
  • Organize movement of dirty and clean laundry and of guest valet service
  • 组织洗前和洗后的衣物的运送和上门送衣服务。
  • Ensure all damaged linen and uniforms are sent to the uniform room for repairs or discarding
  • 保证所有破损的布草和制服均被送至制服房修补或丢弃。
  • Control and record chemical consumption and reorder as required
  • 控制并记录清洁剂消耗情况并按要求订货。
  • Assist in maintaining records of stock and equipment
  • 协助保管库存和设备记录。
  • Supervise all employees with the Laundry Department
  • 监督洗衣部的所有员工。
  • Ensure an accurate valet delivery
  • 确保上门送衣服务的准确性。
  • Ensure daily production records for linen and uniforms are maintained. Effectively control the cleanliness of the line and uniform and reduce the rate of breakage.
  • 对每日所洗的布草和制服的数量进行记录。并有效控制布草和制服的洁净度和降低其破损率。 
  • Ensures that regular preventive maintenance is carried out and reduce downtime with proper coordination with the maintenance department
  • 与维修部合作,进行定期的预防性维修工作并减少机器的故障停机时间。
  • Works with Superior and Human Resources on manpower planning and management needs
  • 与上级领导和人力资源部一起进行人力规划和管理需求。
  • Works with Superior Director of Finance in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget. 
  • 与上级领导和财务总监一起编制和管理部门预算。

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