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预订 员


Marca del hotel: InterContinental
Ubicación: China, Sichuan, Chengdu

Hotel: Century City Chengdu (CTUHA), 88, CENTURY CITY BOULEVARD, 610041

Número de trabajo: 132743

  • Sell the InterContinental Hotels Group products and services using up-selling and suggestive selling techniques
  • 运用销售技巧和房间销售升级推广洲际酒店集团的产品和服务
  • Promote the Hotel’s (and ICHG generally) products and services
  • 推销酒店(以及整个洲际酒店集团)的产品和服务
  • Maintain a high level of product and service knowledge about all ICHG Hotels in your region
  • 充分了解所在地区的洲际酒店集团成员的产品和服务
  • Develop and maintain a regular pattern of sales calls
  • 发展和保持定期进行销售拜访的模式
  • Prepare and execute action plans which increase reservation sales and associated business
  • 准备和执行增加预订销售和相关业务的工作计划
  • Accept wait list reservations
  • 接受等候单上的客人预订
  • Process amendments to reservations such as extensions, early departures, etc
  • 修改延期和提前离店等特殊情况的预订记录
  • Manage “no show” reservations by investigation and recording of same 
  • 调查和记录未按预订抵店的预订情况
  • Record special billing arrangements for groups and conventions
  • 对团组或会议的特别账单安排进行记录
  • Liaise with Front Office Manager or Finance Manager for all reservations requiring credit approval
  • 与前厅部经理或财务经理联系要求信用审批的预订事宜
  • Maintain knowledge of special rates/ offers/ promotions
  • 掌握关于特价,酬宾,促销活动的信息
  • Monitor reservation levels and inform Managers of current and future occupancy rates
  • 监测预订情况,并向经理通报目前和将来的入住率
  • Prepare reports as requested (eg to travel agents, business houses etc)
  • 按照要求准备报告(如给旅行代理人和商业机构的报告等)
  • Prepare reservation sales reports
  • 准备预订销售报告
  • Maintain and execute Finance standards and procedures 
  • 遵照所有财务标准工作程序。

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