Conserje 礼宾 部 主管

Hotel Brand: InterContinental
Location: China, Yining
Hotel: Yining (YINNG), South of Nanhuan Road, East of Minzhu Road,, West of Haitang Road, North of Haijing Road
Job number: 139534
- Assist guests with all inquiries, both hotel and non-hotel related
- 协助客人各种与酒店相关或无关的问询
- Conduct effective shift briefings to ensure hotel activities and operational requirements are known
- 进行有效的交接班说明工作,以明确酒店活动和运营要求
- Maintain detailed knowledge of the activities of the day and alert to any potential problems
- 详细了解当日活动情况并留意各种潜在问题
- Maintain detailed knowledge of key occurrences in your city/location including directions to key points of interests, restaurants, theaters, shopping, cinemas, sporting and recreational facilities, banks, consulates, transport systems and special events
- 详细了解所在城市和地区的情况,包括去往主要地点的路线、以及关于餐馆、剧场、商场、电影院、体育场馆、娱乐设施、银行、领事馆、交通系统和特殊活动的信息
- Maintain adequate supplies of forms, brochures and ensure they are presented in line with hotel standards
- 保证供应足够的表格和手册,并确保其质量达到酒店标准
- Consult Log Book for information/request left by outgoing shift
- 查阅交班人员的工作日志,寻找相关信息和要求
- Manage all incoming guest mail, messages, telexes, facsimiles and special deliveries, in accordance with policy
- 按照相关政策,对发给客人的信件、留言、电传、传真和特快专递进行管理
- Manage outgoing guest mail, courier services, postage of parcels and freighting as directed by guests
- 按照客人的要求,对客人寄出的邮件、通过信使服务寄送的信件、 包裹的邮资和货运进行管理
- Maintain order and security of guest keys and other selected keys kept in Front Office, ensuring key issue policy is followed
- 遵守钥匙管理政策,保证客人的钥匙及其它存放在前厅部的的钥匙的安全与有序管理
- Receive telephone calls and take messages for guests who are out, in accordance with hotel policy
- 依照酒店政策,替外出的客人接听电话和留言
- Record incoming registered mail, telegram, parcel, telex in appropriate file
- 在相应的档案上对寄给客人的挂号信、电报、包裹和电传进行记录
- Night staff check mail, message of expected guests against the system/computer and expected arrivals
- 夜岗人员按照电脑系统和预抵房记录对预抵客人的邮件和留言进行查收
- Prepare efficient work schedule for Bell staff, arranging holidays and vacations, taking into consideration projected occupancy and forecasts and any large group movements, especially those with early or late arrivals and departures
- 在考虑入住情况预测以及大规模的团组活动,特别是关于提前或延迟到达及离店的情况的前提下,为行李服务部员工准备高效的工作计划,安排节日和假日
- Works with Superior and Human Resources on manpower planning and management needs
- 与上级领导和人力资源部一起进行人力规划和管理需求。
- Works with Superior and Director of Finance in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget.
- 与上级领导和财务总监一起编制和管理部门预算。
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