Supervisor de Control de Costos 成本 控制 主管

Hotel Brand: InterContinental
Location: China, Yining
Hotel: Yining (YINNG), South of Nanhuan Road, East of Minzhu Road,, West of Haitang Road, North of Haijing Road
Job number: 139508
- Processes food and beverage invoices.
- 检查食品及酒水收货记录。
- Checks daily purchase to various kitchen, bar and store.
- 每天检查各厨房、酒吧和仓库的采购情况。
- Checks invoices for acknowledgement of receipt of goods.
- 检查已收货品的收货记录。
- Checks arithmetic accuracy.
- 检查凭单的正确性。
- Checks unit cost to ensure that they are charged as per contract price.
- 检查货品单价确保与合同价相符。
- Processes store requisition.
- 处理库房领货单。
- Checks all store requisitions have been properly approved by authorised person.
- 检查库房领用申请单有无得到相应的批准。
- Checks on outlets requisition and keeping stock above par.
- 核实各餐厅申请领货量并确保维持标准存量。
- Costing.
- 成本控制
- Calculates potential food and beverage cost of various outlets and overall cost of sales so that immediate action on cost control can be taken.
- 计算各餐厅食品及酒水的标准销售成本和餐饮部总销售成本,以便及时采取成本控制措施。
- Helps to check and match invoices or delivery order with purchase order or purchase requisition.
- 帮助审核收货记录、送货单与采购申请单上的各项内容是否相符。
- Spot checks on receiving of goods to ensure that they are in accordance with the specification set by Management.
- 抽查收货部是否执行酒店制定的规范。
- Does full receiving if receiving clerk is on leave.
- 当收货员不在时,负责收货工作。
- Controls inventory of Store items.
- 控制管理库存物品。
- Random checks of store level as to control losses, spoilage, damage and obsolescence. Carries out monthly stock take of store items.
- 不定期抽查库存情况,看是否有丢失、滥用和损坏现象。每月进行仓库盘点。
- Reports discrepancies to Cost Controller.
- 及时向成本控制经理汇报不合理现象。
- Controls inventory in food and beverage outlets.
- 控制各餐厅库存。
- Random checks of par stock level.
- 抽查标准存量。
- Schedule periodic spot checks of bars and kitchen areas to check on the proper usage and storing of raw materials.
- 定期抽查厨房、酒吧的消耗和原材料的使用情况。
- Spot checks on portion and wastages.
- 不定期检查出品的分量及有无浪费现象。
- Conducts monthly food & butcher tests to determine yields.
- 每月对食品及粗加工进行测试来测定产出量。
- Controls portion and minimizes- wastages and pilferages.
- 合理控制出品分量,将浪费和失窃情况降至最低。
- Prepares Monthly F&B Cost Control reports and analyses variances.
- 准备每月餐饮成本控制报告并对差异进行分析。
- Highlights slow-moving stock items.
- 关注损耗慢的存货项目。
- Goods and services received are in line with quantities, qualities and prices ordered and agreed.
- 确保验收货品和服务的价格、质量及数量符合已审批的采购申请单要求。
- Profitability and popularity analyses of menus and beverage lists.
- 分析餐单及酒水单的利润率及受欢迎程度。
- Ensures all internal control measures are strictly adhered to at all times.
- 确保各项内部控制衡量措施的严格执行。
- Pre-cost all restaurant and banquet menus of all purchases and prepared items. Develop information to pre-cost all food items purchased.
- 计算所有餐厅及宴会菜单所需采购成本,建立所有食品采购成本的信息。
- Performs other duties as designated.
- 完成其他所派给的任务。
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