Oficial de Recursos Humanos 人力 资源 主管

Hotel Brand: InterContinental
Location: China, Yining
Hotel: Yining (YINNG), South of Nanhuan Road, East of Minzhu Road,, West of Haitang Road, North of Haijing Road
Job number: 139511
- Interview Line Associates
- 面试员工
- Liaison with recruitment agencies and hotel schools
- 与猎头公司和酒店学校取得联系。
- Co-ordinate work experience programs
- 协调实习生计划。
- Manage the on-line recruitment through the Hotel Web Site
- 通过酒店网站管理在线招聘工作。
- Site inspections for schools, colleges, and universities
- 拜访学校,学院和大学。
- Correct and timely placement of internal and external advertisements
- 正确及时的发布内部和外部的招聘广告。
- Conduct exit interviews and provide feedback on reasons for turnover
- 执行离职面谈并提供员工离职原因的反馈。
- Adherence to pre, during and post employment checklists
- 遵循聘用前,雇用期间和离职检查单。
- Ensure Staff and Manager awareness of HR Policies and procedures
- 确保员工和经理了解人力资源的规章制度。
- Ensure information relating to industrial instruments is readily available to all Staff and Managers
- 确保能够随时为员工和经理提供与行业规定相关的信息。
- Assist managers in developing work practices that are in line with OH &S policies
- 协助经理制定符合职业健康与安全条例要求的工作程序。
- Manage performance management system and cycle of recruitment, induction, training, development, and succession for Levels 10 - 8 and ensure process is adhered to for other positions
- 管理10-8级员工的绩效管理系统和招聘周期,入职培训,培训,发展和接班人计划,确保遵守工作程序。
- Assist with line staff counseling and career management
- 协助员工的咨询和职业管理工作。
- Assist line managers in the recruitment, induction, training, development, and succession for levels 3- 6.
- 协助经理3-6级员工的招聘,入职介绍,培训,发展和接班人工作。
- Adhere to time frames established by Head Office
- 遵守总部设定的时间表。
- Works with Training Manager or designate to Co-ordinate training such as:
- 与培训经理一起或受其指派协调培训工作:
- First Aid Courses, OH&S, Workplace Rehabilitation courses.
- 急救课程,职业健康与安全,工作复健课程
- Issue invitations to attend internal and external programs
- 发送内外部培训项目的请柬
- Maintain records of training attendance
- 保存参加培训人员的记录
- Implement Orientation
- 执行新员工培训
- Promote and facilitate cross training, job rotation, and multi skilling
- 促进并协助交叉培训,岗位轮换和多重技能
- Conduct training for line Associates
- 执行员工培训
- Conduct departmental skills audits
- 进行部门技能审核
- Initiate programs which foster good work relations such as social club and consultative committees
- 建立倡导良好工作关系的计划如:社交俱乐部和顾问委员会等。
- Maintenance of employee files
- 员工档案的维护工作。
- Maintenance and administration of OH&S work place cases, as well as the management of rehabilitation programs
- 维护和管理工作中的职业健康与安全案件,并负责管理康复计划。
- Data Base Management
- 数据库的管理
- Manage standardized responses to correspondence
- 管理标准化的书信回复。
- Assists in maintaining a comprehensive, current and guest focused set of departmental standards and procedures and oversees their implementation through ongoing training
- 协助维护一套全面的,通用的,以顾客为中心的部门规范和程序,通过持序性的培训监督规范和程序的执行。
- Prepares and administers detailed induction program for new staff
- 制定和执行新员工具体入职培训计划。
- Provides input for probation and formal performance appraisal discussions in line with company guidelines
- 为按照公司的指导方针进行的正式的员工绩效考核和鉴定提供建议。
- Coaches, counsels and disciplines staff, providing constructive feedback to enhance performance
- 向员工提供工作指导、咨询,必要时对其进行批评处分,并提供建设性反馈意见以便提高工作绩效。
- Regularly communicates with staff and maintains good relations
- 定期与员工交流思想,保持良好的员工关系。
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