Supervisor de Adquisiciones 采购 主管

Hotel Brand: InterContinental
Location: China, Yining
Hotel: Yining (YINNG), South of Nanhuan Road, East of Minzhu Road,, West of Haitang Road, North of Haijing Road
Job number: 139506
- To assist the Purchasing Manager in ensuring that there is a proper follow-up of the orders after they have been placed and to see that the goods are delivered to the Hotel’s needs.
- 协助采购部经理确保收到的采购申请单有人负责跟进,并留意送抵的货品是否符合酒店要求。
- To bring the matter to the attention of the Purchasing Manager who will take appropriate step to expedite matters, if should delays occur.
- 如发生不能按时交货,应通报采购部经理,引起他的注意,以便他采取必要的措施敦促尽快到货。
- To maintain files of executed and unexecuted orders.
- 将完成和未完成订单分别归档保存。
- To keep adequate up-to-date files for purchasing records and establish and maintain a proper filing system for easy reference and tracing.
- 及时更新采购记录,建立良好的档案管理系统,以便查找和追踪。
- To maintain documentation flow between the Accounts, Purchasing and other departments.
- 建立和保持与财务部及其他部门间的文件传递程序。
- To assist the purchasing Manager in the preparation of Monthly Purchasing Report based on prices of merchandise during the market surveys, comparatively analysis of suppliers’ prices during the month, and actual prices paid by the Hotel for the same period.
- 根据市场调查价格,协助采购经理准备采购月报表,比较分析同期供货商报价和酒店实际支付的采购价。
- To attend the marketing survey arranged by Cost Controller, joined by Executive Chef, Cost Controller, F&B Manager or their assistant, as required by Hotel’s policies and procedures.
- 按照酒店政策规定参加由成本控制经理组织,有行政总厨,成本控制经理,餐饮经理或其助手参与的市场调查。
- To be familiar with import procedures and documentation’s and approaches that may be required from Local Government.
- 熟悉当地政府有关进口货物的政策,文件以及审批程序。
- Keeps abreast of the marketplace as to innovation and value
- 与市场的革新及价值保持一致。
- Processes purchase requests from departments
- 处理部门采购需求。
- Obtains competitive quotations and bids
- 获得有竞争力的报价和投标书。
- Ensure physical stock take is conducted as scheduled
- 确保按计划进行库存实物盘点。
- Posts orders to inventory module and produces purchase order for receiver to match against goods received
- 将订购需求输入系统的存货模块,并在实际收物时从系统中调出相关的采购订单,与实物核对。
- Place approved orders
- 接收批准的采购定单。
- Establishes standard purchasing specifications
- 建立标准的采购规则。
- Ensures products and resources are assigned to the appropriate department and billed accordingly
- 确保物品准确的分发到部门并相应入帐。
- Supervises the hotels print shop to ensure timely and economical production of printed material
- 管理酒店的印刷店以确保及时的提供印刷服务。
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