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Gerente de serviços ao cliente


Hotel Brand: InterContinental
Location: China, Yining

Hotel: Yining (YINNG), South of Nanhuan Road, East of Minzhu Road,, West of Haitang Road, North of Haijing Road

Job number: 139529

  • Monitor front office personnel to ensure guests receive prompt, cordial attention and personal recognition.


  • Supervise the Front Office team to ensure optimum occupancy and average room rate for the purpose of maximizing revenue.


  • Monitor Front Office, and particularly Guest Relations personnel, to ensure priority members known repeat guests and other VIPs receive special attention and recognition
  • 监督前厅部,特别是客户关系人员,确保优悦会会员、常客和其它贵宾得到特别的关照和礼遇。
  • Promote Inter-Hotel sales and in-house facilities and monitors Front Office Marketing techniques in line with FIT marketing program
  • 促进店际销售及推销酒店内设施,依照散客市场计划监督前厅部人员的市场技巧。
  • Maintain inter-departmental relationships to ensure seamless customer service
  • 维护各部门之间的关系以确保对客服务畅通。
  • Assume overall responsibility for maintaining standards to ensure furnishings facilities and equipment are clean, in good repair and well maintained
  • 承担保持外观标准的整体责任,确保家具和各种设备均保持外表清洁、运转良好并得到妥善维护。
  • Schedule and regularly conducts routine inspections of areas under his/her control
  • 计划并实施对所管区域的定期检查
  • Maintain knowledge of credit policies and procedures and liaise closely with Finance Department to ensure that credit procedures are properly carried out
  • 掌握信用政策和程序,并与财务部密切联系,以确保信用程序的全面执行。
  • Know system recovery procedures
  • 掌握系统复原程序。
  • Interpret computer reports
  • 分析电脑报告。
  • Compile statistics for front office and provide reports relating to that area
  • 为前厅部整编统计数字并提供与之相关的报告。
  • Continually check the accuracy of room count
  • 不断检查客房出租率的情况。
  • Approve upgrades and special amenities
  • 批准房间的免费升级及特殊的礼品。
  • Maintain appropriate standards of conduct, dress, hygiene, uniforms, appearance and posture of departmental employees
  • 保持部门员工的行为、装束、卫生、制服穿着、外表和仪态标准。
  • Conduct comprehensive monthly departmental meetings to include a review of procedures and events which warrants special handling and detailed information
  • 每月召开综合性部门会议,内容包括对需要特别处理和提供详细信息的程序及活动的总结。
  • Communicate to the General Manager of his/her delegate all information likely to be of interest to them such as the expected arrival and departure of VIPs and all other pertinent information
  • 向总经理或其的代表,以及其它部门负责人通报所有他们可能感兴趣的信息,如贵宾来店和离店的情况及其它相关信息。
  • Maintain all procedures and adheres to them within the IHG guidelines; in particular with emphasis on hotel credit policy.
  • 在洲际酒店集团指导方针的框架内遵守工作程序,特别是要以酒店的信用制度为重点。
  • In conjunction with the Emergency Response Team prepare emergency procedures upon advice from relevant authority that cover such emergencies as Fire, Power Outrage, Bomb Threat, Cyclone Warnings, etc.
  • 与紧急事件小组协作,在得到相关授权后准备紧急程序以应对火灾、停电、炸弹威胁、暴风预警等紧急事件。
  • Prepares efficient work schedule for Front Office Staff, arranging holidays and vacation, taking into consideration project occupancy and forecasts and any large group movements, especially those with early or late arrivals or departures.
  • 在考虑酒店入住情况和预测以及大规模的团组活动,特别是关于提前或延迟到达及离店的情况的前提下,为前厅部员工准备高效的工作计划,安排节日和假日。
  • Works with Human Resources on manpower planning and management needs
  • 和人力资源部一起进行人力规划和管理需求。
  • Works with Director of Finance in the preparation and management of the Department’s budget.
  • 和财务总监一起编制和管理部门预算。 

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