تخطى للوصول للمحتوى

保安 经理

كراون بلازا-أيدت-شعار-بوس-رجب-فيرت-إن
كراون بلازا-أيدت-شعار-بوس-رجب-فيرت-إن

Hotel Brand: Crowne Plaza Hotels & Resorts
Location: China, Beijing, Tongxiang

الفندق: ووهان (TVXQR)، رقم 1 طريق تشينغتشن، مدينة ووتشين، 314501

Job number: 135440


1.  Establish good communicationand good will with informal leaders and relevant members of local community


2. Coordinate and organize the dayto day operations of the department including planning and controlling


3. Manage the develop andimplementation of departmental standards


4. Ensure all patrolling,inspection and escort duties are performed to a high standard


5. Monitor and maintain allproduct and performance standards and ensure action is taken when standards arenot met


6.  Ensure firearms and otherweapons are not carried by staff when on duty


7. Supervise emergency drills


8. Oversee the security departmentincluding layout of security personnel and their detailed and regular training


9. Perform leadership training forall senior security personnel


10. Check and analyze all incomingreports to formalize action plan


11. Maintain the loyalty anddiscipline of all security personnel


12. Ensure the all securitypersonnel as well as hotel’s staff are adhering to P&P and securityprocedures


13. Establish good cooperation withhotel’s senior staff with other hotels


14. Coordinate with the localinvestigator in crimes & accident handling and investigating


15. Prepare security plan forspecific events (seminar, conference, government guest, with wedding etc.)


16.Works with Human Resources onmanpower planning and management needs


17. Works with Director of Financein the preparation and management of the Hotel’s budget.


18. Be familiar with propertysafety, first aid and fire and emergency procedures and operate equipmentsafely and sensibly


19. Initiate action to correct ahazardous situation and notify supervisors of potential dangers


20. Log security incidents andaccidents in accordance with hotel requirements



1. Demonstrated ability tointeract with customers, employees and third parties that reflects highly onthe hotel, the brand and the Company.


2. Certification in safety andtraining and/or licensed as a Security Officer or Law Enforcement Officer maybe required.  Certified CPR, First Aidinstructor and training in law enforcement techniques desired. 


3. Working knowledge of locallaws, investigation methods, OSHA requirements and fire codes and life safetycodes.


4. Problem solving, reasoning,motivating, organizational and training abilities.


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