تخطى للوصول للمحتوى

مشرف مكتب الاستقبال - سيكس سينسز كيوتو


العلامة التجارية للفندق: Six Senses
الموقع: اليابان، كيوتو، كيوتو-شي

الفندق: كيوتو (UKYSS)، 431 ميوهوينمايكاوا تشو، هيجاشياما-كو، 605-0932

رقم الوظيفة: 118926

As Front Office Supervisor, I will fully comprehend the vision of Six Senses to help people reconnect with themselves, others and the world around them and our values of local sensitivity and global sensibility, crafted experiences, emotional hospitality, responsible and caring, fun and quirky and pioneering wellness.  

Sustainability, Wellness and Out of the Ordinary experiences are at the core of everything we do at Six Senses. I will safeguard these pillars and ensure full knowledge and active participation of all our brand initiatives. 

Duties and Responsibilities  

As Front Office Supervisor, I will assume full responsibility for the efficient operation in the following:  

  • Review arrivals and departures to plan for the next day’s activities. Coordinate arrivals, departures and billing requirements. Block rooms for arrivals and ensures any discrepancies are resolved.  
  • Review daily arrivals and departures to ensure proper handling of Special Guests, VIP Guests and Groups.  
  • Ensure rooms are checked prior to guest’s check-in to ensure they are clean, properly equipped and in a high standard of maintenance.   
  • Implement and maintain guest recognition program.  
  • Assist in scheduling, training and providing feedback to Front Office Receptionist.  
  • Handle guest feedbacks, inquiries, and comments. Log them and initiate appropriate action and follow up.  
  • Ensure all equipment of the department is kept clean and in good working condition. 
  • Upkeep Six Senses guidelines and standards of service and operation. My performance benchmarks are maintained and exceeded.  
  • Strictly adhere to LQA standards and guest comments.  







-到着と出発を確認し、翌日のオペレーションを計画する。  到着、出発、課金要件を調整する。到着した客室をブロックし、不一致があれば確実に解決する。









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