مدير النظافة 卫生 经理
Hotel Brand: InterContinental
Location: China, Yining
Hotel: Yining (YINNG), South of Nanhuan Road, East of Minzhu Road,, West of Haitang Road, North of Haijing Road
Job number: 139560
- Check outlet kitchen’s hygiene
- 检查各厨房卫生。
- Check personal hygiene
- 检查厨房员工的个人卫生。
- Keep food sample for serve to VIP guest who was notice by Public Security Bureau or hotel security department. Do food
- 重要客人对公安机关或饭店保卫部通知的重要客人要食品样本
- inspection two times each week and give the food test reports to executive chef Clean office after food test
- 对厨房进行一周两次的食品抽样检查,写出报告结果交给行政总厨
- Clean office after food test
- 做完食品检验要进行卫生清洁工作
- Assistant epidemic prevention station organizes hygiene knowledge training
- 协助卫生防疫站组织卫生知识培训工作。
- Sent food sample to epidemic prevention station regularly
- 按要求定期往防疫站送食品样品。
- In charge apply hygiene certificate for hotel
- 负责店内有关卫生许可证的办理工作。
- Attend regular Hygiene Inspection Examination
- 定期要进行持证考试。
- Supervise kitchen’s medicine-chest
- 负责厨房各部门药箱。
- Attended epidemic prevention station organized training
- 参加卫生防疫部门组织的知识培训。
- Sent food sample to epidemic prevention station when guest’s complain food hygiene have problem
- 客人投诉食品卫生有问题时,要将食品送往防疫站进行检查
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